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A utility library to streamline the development process for Minecraft Bedrock's Script API, providing essential tools for vector operations, polyfills, and time measurements.


  1. Vec3 Class: Simplify and enhance vector operations.
  2. playerPolyfill: Implements unsupported functions in Player class. Currently supports:
    • applyImpulse: Apply an impulse to a player.
    • clearVelocity: Clears the velocity of a player.
  3. consolePolyfill: Enhance console.log to display messages in the chat as well.
  4. Timings Class: Granular time measurement made easy. Functions include:
    • begin(operation:string): Begin a timing operation.
    • end(): Conclude the timing operation.
  5. Logging: Log messages with different levels and filters:
    • Adds a way to filter messages by tags (e.g. player, entity, block).
    • Adds a way to filter messages by levels (e.g. info, warn, error).
  6. ChatColor Class: Simplify chat color formatting. ChatColor.prettyChatJSON function included to convert a JSON chat message to a string with color formatting.


npm install @bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost


Vec3 Class

import { Vec3 } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost";
import { world } from "@minecraft/server";

world.beforeEvents.itemUse.subscribe((event) => {



import { Direction, world } from "@minecraft/server";
import { Vec3 } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost";
import { Polyfill } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost"


world.getAllPlayers().forEach(player => {
// Apply an impulse to the player


import { Polyfill } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost"


// Log messages in the game world
console.log("Hello, Minecraft World!");

Timings Class

import { Timings } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost"

Timings.begin("big operation 1");
// Some operations...
// Beginning another operation will automatically end the previous one
Timings.begin("big operation 2");
// Some operations...


import { Logger } from "@bedrock-oss/bedrock-boost"

const log = Logger.getLogger("main", "tag1", "tag2");
log.info("Hello, Minecraft World!");

It also includes 2 commands to control the logging system:

scriptevent logger:level <level either as string or as a number>
scriptevent logger:filter <comma separated tags>

When using esbuild, you can use dropLabels option with LOGGING label to remove all logging code from the final bundle.

When using (gametests regolith filter)[https://github.com/Bedrock-OSS/regolith-filters/tree/master/gametests], you can configure it like this:

"filter": "gametests",
"settings": {
"modules": [
// ...
"buildOptions": {
"dropLabels": ["LOGGING"]


Feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request if you have any improvements or features to suggest.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.