
Minecraft Math

A set of utilities and functions for common math operations. Major pieces are covered below.


A set of utility functions and a wrapper class for common vector3 operations. Two distinct patterns are supported, a more pure computational approach operating on the Vector3 interface with no mutation, and a separate wrapper object oriented approach following a "builder" pattern. It is mostly preference whether you prefer the more "mutation" heavy pattern or the functional pattern, it depends on the structure of your code. Under the covers, the same helpers are used.

Pure Functional Style

import { Vector3, world } from '@minecraft/server';
import { MinecraftDimensionTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';
import { Vector3Utils } from '@minecraft/math';

const vectorA: Vector3 = {x: 1, y: 2, z:3};
const vectorB: Vector3 = {x: 4, y: 5, z:6};

const resultAdd = Vector3Utils.add(vectorA, vectorB); // {x:5, y:7, z:9}
const resultSubtract = Vector3Utils.subtract(vectorA, vectorB); // {x:-3, y:-3, z:-3}
const resultAdd = Vector3Utils.cross(vectorA, vectorB); // {x:-3, y:6, z:-3}

console.log(toString(vectorA)); // Prints out "1, 2, 3"

// Use your vectors with any @minecraft/server API
const = dimension = world.getDimension(MinecraftDimensionTypes.Overworld);
dimension.spawnParticle("minecraft:colored_flame_particle", resultAdd);

Builder Style

import { Vector3, world } from '@minecraft/server';
import { Vector3Builder } from '@minecraft/math';
import { MinecraftDimensionTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data';

const vectorA: Vector3Builder = new Vector3Builder({x: 1, y: 2, z:3});
const vectorB: Vector3 = {x: 4, y: 5, z:6};
const vectorC: Vector3 = {x: 1, y: 3, z:5};

// Mutates vectorA directly each time
vectorA.add(vectorB).subtract(vectorC).cross(vectorB); // Final result {x:4, y:-8, z:4}

console.log(vectorA.toString()); // Prints out "4, -8, 4"

// Vector3Builder type can directly be used in APIs that accept Vector3
const dimension = world.getDimension(MinecraftDimensionTypes.Overworld);
dimension.spawnParticle("minecraft:colored_flame_particle", vectorA);

How to use @minecraft/math in your project

@minecraft/math is published to NPM and follows standard semver semantics. To use it in your project,

  • Download @minecraft/math from NPM by doing npm install @minecraft/math within your scripts pack. By using @minecraft/math, you will need to do some sort of bundling to merge the library into your packs code. We recommend using esbuild for simplicity.