Interface ClipboardWriteOptions

Interface used to specify the options when a clipboard item is being written to the world


  • ClipboardWriteOptions


anchor?: Vector3


The anchor is a unit vector representation of the side or corner of the Clipboard Item to be written to the world. {0, 0, 0} represents the center of the Clipboard item, {0, 1, 0} represents the top, {-1, -1, -1} represents the bottom/back/left corner, etc The anchor is used in conjunction with the item size to determine the object relative anchor point where the object will be applied in the world. Values for the X/Y/Z components should be within the range (-1 <= X/Y/Z <=1)


An enum which represents the axis (or combination of axis') along which the item should be mirrored

  • X
  • Z
  • XZ
offset?: Vector3


A position offset which should be applied to the paste location while the clipboard item is being written


An enum representing the rotation around the Y-Axis which should be applied while the clipboard item is being written