Function registerUserDefinedTransactionHandler

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • transactionManager: TransactionManager

      A reference to the TransactionManager (from the extension context for your extension)

    • undoHandler: ((payload) => void)

      A function that will be invoked when the transaction is undone. The function will be passed a copy of the payload data that was inserted into the transaction log.

        • (payload): void
        • Parameters

          • payload: T

          Returns void

    • redoHandler: ((payload) => void)

      A function that will be invoked when the transaction is redone. The function will be passed a copy of the payload data that was inserted into the transaction log.

        • (payload): void
        • Parameters

          • payload: T

          Returns void

    Returns UserDefinedTransactionHandle<T>


    Creates a strongly typed transaction handle to enforce type safety when adding user defined transactions. This function is a wrapper around the more generalized transaction manager API for script based transactions. Any Editor Extension that needs to insert data into the transaction log for undo/redo should use this function to create a handler for the specific type of data that needs to be inserted. When a transaction is undone/redone, the associated handler function will be invoked with a copy of the payload data that was inserted into the log. As a general rule, transaction data should contain 2 things:
    1. The data that will be used to perform the operation we're trying to record
    2. The data that will be used to restore the state of the program to what it was before the operation.
    The payload data is serialized to JSON before being inserted into the transaction log and the underlying implementation uses the JSON.stringify() function to serialize the data. Any non-primitive data, such as classes or minecraft native objects will not serialize to JSON properly, so you should avoid using them as payload data.