Class BlockLocation

Contains the integer X, Y, Z coordinates for a block. For decimal locations useful for entities, items, and more, see Location.


  • BlockLocation



x y z



  • Parameters

    • x: number

      X position of the block location. This number should be an integer.

    • y: number

      Y position of the block location. This number should be an integer.

    • z: number

      Z position of the block location. This number should be an integer.

    Returns BlockLocation


    Creates a new instance of an abstract block location.


x: number

The X coordinate.

y: number

The integer-based Y position.

z: number

The integer-based Z position.


  • Returns BlockLocation


    Returns a BlockLocation for a block above this BlockLocation (that is, y + 1).

  • Parameters

    • other: BlockLocation

      Additional BlockLocation used to determine the set of locations in between this location and another point.

    Returns BlockLocation[]

    Array of block locations representing the volume between this location and another, inclusive of the start and end points.


    Returns an array of block locations representing all blocks in the volume (cuboid) between this location and another location.

  • Parameters

    • other: BlockLocation

      Other block location to compare this BlockLocation to.

    Returns boolean

    True if the two block locations are equal.


    Compares this BlockLocation and another BlockLocation to one another.

  • Parameters

    • x: number

      X offset relative to this BlockLocation.

    • y: number

      Y offset relative to this BlockLocation.

    • z: number

      Z offset relative to this BlockLocation.

    Returns BlockLocation

    BlockLocation that is positioned relative to this BlockLocation.


    Returns a block location using a position relative to this block location