Class MinecraftBlockTypes

Contains definitions of standard Minecraft and Minecraft Education Edition block types.


  • MinecraftBlockTypes



acaciaButton acaciaDoor acaciaFenceGate acaciaHangingSign acaciaPressurePlate acaciaStairs acaciaStandingSign acaciaTrapdoor acaciaWallSign activatorRail air allow amethystBlock amethystCluster ancientDebris andesiteStairs anvil azalea azaleaLeaves azaleaLeavesFlowered bamboo bambooButton bambooDoor bambooDoubleSlab bambooFence bambooFenceGate bambooHangingSign bambooMosaic bambooMosaicDoubleSlab bambooMosaicSlab bambooMosaicStairs bambooPlanks bambooPressurePlate bambooSapling bambooSlab bambooStairs bambooStandingSign bambooTrapdoor bambooWallSign barrel barrier basalt beacon bed bedrock beeNest beehive beetroot bell bigDripleaf birchButton birchDoor birchFenceGate birchHangingSign birchPressurePlate birchStairs birchStandingSign birchTrapdoor birchWallSign blackCandle blackCandleCake blackGlazedTerracotta blackstone blackstoneDoubleSlab blackstoneSlab blackstoneStairs blackstoneWall blastFurnace blueCandle blueCandleCake blueGlazedTerracotta blueIce boneBlock bookshelf borderBlock brewingStand brickBlock brickStairs brownCandle brownCandleCake brownGlazedTerracotta brownMushroom brownMushroomBlock bubbleColumn buddingAmethyst cactus cake calcite camera campfire candle candleCake carpet carrots cartographyTable carvedPumpkin cauldron caveVines caveVinesBodyWithBerries caveVinesHeadWithBerries chain chainCommandBlock chemicalHeat chemistryTable chest chiseledBookshelf chiseledDeepslate chiseledNetherBricks chiseledPolishedBlackstone chorusFlower chorusPlant clay clientRequestPlaceholderBlock coalBlock coalOre cobbledDeepslate cobbledDeepslateDoubleSlab cobbledDeepslateSlab cobbledDeepslateStairs cobbledDeepslateWall cobblestone cobblestoneWall cocoa coloredTorchBp coloredTorchRg commandBlock composter concrete concretePowder conduit copperBlock copperOre coral coralBlock coralFan coralFanDead coralFanHang coralFanHang2 coralFanHang3 crackedDeepslateBricks crackedDeepslateTiles crackedNetherBricks crackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks craftingTable crimsonButton crimsonDoor crimsonDoubleSlab crimsonFence crimsonFenceGate crimsonFungus crimsonHangingSign crimsonHyphae crimsonNylium crimsonPlanks crimsonPressurePlate crimsonRoots crimsonSlab crimsonStairs crimsonStandingSign crimsonStem crimsonTrapdoor crimsonWallSign cryingObsidian cutCopper cutCopperSlab cutCopperStairs cyanCandle cyanCandleCake cyanGlazedTerracotta darkOakButton darkOakDoor darkOakFenceGate darkOakHangingSign darkOakPressurePlate darkOakStairs darkOakTrapdoor darkPrismarineStairs darkoakStandingSign darkoakWallSign daylightDetector daylightDetectorInverted deadbush deepslate deepslateBrickDoubleSlab deepslateBrickSlab deepslateBrickStairs deepslateBrickWall deepslateBricks deepslateCoalOre deepslateCopperOre deepslateDiamondOre deepslateEmeraldOre deepslateGoldOre deepslateIronOre deepslateLapisOre deepslateRedstoneOre deepslateTileDoubleSlab deepslateTileSlab deepslateTileStairs deepslateTileWall deepslateTiles deny detectorRail diamondBlock diamondOre dioriteStairs dirt dirtWithRoots dispenser doubleCutCopperSlab doublePlant doubleStoneBlockSlab doubleStoneBlockSlab2 doubleStoneBlockSlab3 doubleStoneBlockSlab4 doubleStoneSlab doubleStoneSlab2 doubleStoneSlab3 doubleStoneSlab4 doubleWoodenSlab dragonEgg driedKelpBlock dripstoneBlock dropper element0 element1 element10 element100 element101 element102 element103 element104 element105 element106 element107 element108 element109 element11 element110 element111 element112 element113 element114 element115 element116 element117 element118 element12 element13 element14 element15 element16 element17 element18 element19 element2 element20 element21 element22 element23 element24 element25 element26 element27 element28 element29 element3 element30 element31 element32 element33 element34 element35 element36 element37 element38 element39 element4 element40 element41 element42 element43 element44 element45 element46 element47 element48 element49 element5 element50 element51 element52 element53 element54 element55 element56 element57 element58 element59 element6 element60 element61 element62 element63 element64 element65 element66 element67 element68 element69 element7 element70 element71 element72 element73 element74 element75 element76 element77 element78 element79 element8 element80 element81 element82 element83 element84 element85 element86 element87 element88 element89 element9 element90 element91 element92 element93 element94 element95 element96 element97 element98 element99 emeraldBlock emeraldOre enchantingTable endBrickStairs endBricks endGateway endPortal endPortalFrame endRod endStone enderChest exposedCopper exposedCutCopper exposedCutCopperSlab exposedCutCopperStairs exposedDoubleCutCopperSlab farmland fence fenceGate fire fletchingTable flowerPot floweringAzalea flowingLava flowingWater frame frogSpawn frostedIce furnace gildedBlackstone glass glassPane glowFrame glowLichen glowingobsidian glowstone goldBlock goldOre goldenRail graniteStairs grass grassPath gravel grayCandle grayCandleCake grayGlazedTerracotta greenCandle greenCandleCake greenGlazedTerracotta grindstone hangingRoots hardGlass hardGlassPane hardStainedGlass hardStainedGlassPane hardenedClay hayBlock heavyWeightedPressurePlate honeyBlock honeycombBlock hopper ice infestedDeepslate infoUpdate infoUpdate2 invisibleBedrock ironBars ironBlock ironDoor ironOre ironTrapdoor jigsaw jukebox jungleButton jungleDoor jungleFenceGate jungleHangingSign junglePressurePlate jungleStairs jungleStandingSign jungleTrapdoor jungleWallSign kelp ladder lantern lapisBlock lapisOre largeAmethystBud lava lavaCauldron leaves leaves2 lectern lever lightBlock lightBlueCandle lightBlueCandleCake lightBlueGlazedTerracotta lightGrayCandle lightGrayCandleCake lightWeightedPressurePlate lightningRod limeCandle limeCandleCake limeGlazedTerracotta litBlastFurnace litDeepslateRedstoneOre litFurnace litPumpkin litRedstoneLamp litRedstoneOre litSmoker lodestone log log2 loom magentaCandle magentaCandleCake magentaGlazedTerracotta magma mangroveButton mangroveDoor mangroveDoubleSlab mangroveFence mangroveFenceGate mangroveHangingSign mangroveLeaves mangroveLog mangrovePlanks mangrovePressurePlate mangrovePropagule mangroveRoots mangroveSlab mangroveStairs mangroveStandingSign mangroveTrapdoor mangroveWallSign mangroveWood mediumAmethystBud melonBlock melonStem mobSpawner monsterEgg mossBlock mossCarpet mossyCobblestone mossyCobblestoneStairs mossyStoneBrickStairs movingBlock mud mudBrickDoubleSlab mudBrickSlab mudBrickStairs mudBrickWall mudBricks muddyMangroveRoots mycelium netherBrick netherBrickFence netherBrickStairs netherGoldOre netherSprouts netherWart netherWartBlock netheriteBlock netherrack netherreactor normalStoneStairs noteblock oakHangingSign oakStairs observer obsidian ochreFroglight orangeCandle orangeCandleCake orangeGlazedTerracotta oxidizedCopper oxidizedCutCopper oxidizedCutCopperSlab oxidizedCutCopperStairs oxidizedDoubleCutCopperSlab packedIce packedMud pearlescentFroglight pinkCandle pinkCandleCake pinkGlazedTerracotta piston pistonArmCollision planks podzol pointedDripstone polishedAndesiteStairs polishedBasalt polishedBlackstone polishedBlackstoneBrickDoubleSlab polishedBlackstoneBrickSlab polishedBlackstoneBrickStairs polishedBlackstoneBrickWall polishedBlackstoneBricks polishedBlackstoneButton polishedBlackstoneDoubleSlab polishedBlackstonePressurePlate polishedBlackstoneSlab polishedBlackstoneStairs polishedBlackstoneWall polishedDeepslate polishedDeepslateDoubleSlab polishedDeepslateSlab polishedDeepslateStairs polishedDeepslateWall polishedDioriteStairs polishedGraniteStairs portal potatoes powderSnow poweredComparator poweredRepeater prismarine prismarineBricksStairs prismarineStairs pumpkin pumpkinStem purpleCandle purpleCandleCake purpleGlazedTerracotta purpurBlock purpurStairs quartzBlock quartzBricks quartzOre quartzStairs rail rawCopperBlock rawGoldBlock rawIronBlock redCandle redCandleCake redFlower redGlazedTerracotta redMushroom redMushroomBlock redNetherBrick redNetherBrickStairs redSandstone redSandstoneStairs redstoneBlock redstoneLamp redstoneOre redstoneTorch redstoneWire reeds reinforcedDeepslate repeatingCommandBlock reserved6 respawnAnchor sand sandstone sandstoneStairs sapling scaffolding sculk sculkCatalyst sculkSensor sculkShrieker sculkVein seaLantern seaPickle seagrass shroomlight shulkerBox silverGlazedTerracotta skull slime smallAmethystBud smallDripleafBlock smithingTable smoker smoothBasalt smoothQuartzStairs smoothRedSandstoneStairs smoothSandstoneStairs smoothStone snow snowLayer soulCampfire soulFire soulLantern soulSand soulSoil soulTorch sponge sporeBlossom spruceButton spruceDoor spruceFenceGate spruceHangingSign sprucePressurePlate spruceStairs spruceStandingSign spruceTrapdoor spruceWallSign stainedGlass stainedGlassPane stainedHardenedClay standingBanner standingSign stickyPiston stickyPistonArmCollision stone stoneBlockSlab stoneBlockSlab2 stoneBlockSlab3 stoneBlockSlab4 stoneBrickStairs stoneButton stonePressurePlate stoneSlab stoneSlab2 stoneSlab3 stoneSlab4 stoneStairs stonebrick stonecutter stonecutterBlock strippedAcaciaLog strippedBirchLog strippedCrimsonHyphae strippedCrimsonStem strippedDarkOakLog strippedJungleLog strippedMangroveLog strippedMangroveWood strippedOakLog strippedSpruceLog strippedWarpedHyphae strippedWarpedStem structureBlock structureVoid sweetBerryBush tallgrass target tintedGlass tnt torch trapdoor trappedChest tripWire tripwireHook tuff turtleEgg twistingVines underwaterTorch undyedShulkerBox unknown unlitRedstoneTorch unpoweredComparator unpoweredRepeater verdantFroglight vine wallBanner wallSign warpedButton warpedDoor warpedDoubleSlab warpedFence warpedFenceGate warpedFungus warpedHangingSign warpedHyphae warpedNylium warpedPlanks warpedPressurePlate warpedRoots warpedSlab warpedStairs warpedStandingSign warpedStem warpedTrapdoor warpedWallSign warpedWartBlock water waterlily waxedCopper waxedCutCopper waxedCutCopperSlab waxedCutCopperStairs waxedDoubleCutCopperSlab waxedExposedCopper waxedExposedCutCopper waxedExposedCutCopperSlab waxedExposedCutCopperStairs waxedExposedDoubleCutCopperSlab waxedOxidizedCopper waxedOxidizedCutCopper waxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab waxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs waxedOxidizedDoubleCutCopperSlab waxedWeatheredCopper waxedWeatheredCutCopper waxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab waxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs waxedWeatheredDoubleCutCopperSlab weatheredCopper weatheredCutCopper weatheredCutCopperSlab weatheredCutCopperStairs weatheredDoubleCutCopperSlab web weepingVines wheat whiteCandle whiteCandleCake whiteGlazedTerracotta witherRose wood woodenButton woodenDoor woodenPressurePlate woodenSlab wool yellowCandle yellowCandleCake yellowFlower yellowGlazedTerracotta




acaciaButton: BlockType

Represents an acacia button within Minecraft.

acaciaDoor: BlockType

Represents an acacia door within Minecraft.

acaciaFenceGate: BlockType

Represents an acacia fence gate within Minecraft.

acaciaHangingSign: BlockType
acaciaPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents an acacia pressure plate within Minecraft.

acaciaStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of acacia stairs within Minecraft.

acaciaStandingSign: BlockType

Represents an acacia standing sign within Minecraft.

acaciaTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents an acacia trapdoor within Minecraft.

acaciaWallSign: BlockType

Represents an acacia wall sign within Minecraft.

activatorRail: BlockType

Represents an activator rail within Minecraft.

Represents an empty space (air) within Minecraft.

allow: BlockType

Represents an allow block within Minecraft.

amethystBlock: BlockType

Represents an amethyst block within Minecraft.

amethystCluster: BlockType

Represents a cluster of amethyst within Minecraft.

ancientDebris: BlockType

Represents ancient debris within Minecraft.

andesiteStairs: BlockType

Represents andesite stairs within Minecraft.

anvil: BlockType

Represents an anvil within Minecraft.

azalea: BlockType

Represents an azalea flowering plant within Minecraft.

azaleaLeaves: BlockType

Represents azalea leaves within Minecraft.

azaleaLeavesFlowered: BlockType

Represents flowered azalea leaves within Minecraft.

bamboo: BlockType

Represents a bamboo tree within Minecraft.

bambooButton: BlockType
bambooDoor: BlockType
bambooDoubleSlab: BlockType
bambooFence: BlockType
bambooFenceGate: BlockType
bambooHangingSign: BlockType
bambooMosaic: BlockType
bambooMosaicDoubleSlab: BlockType
bambooMosaicSlab: BlockType
bambooMosaicStairs: BlockType
bambooPlanks: BlockType
bambooPressurePlate: BlockType
bambooSapling: BlockType

Represents a bamboo sapling within Minecraft.

bambooSlab: BlockType
bambooStairs: BlockType
bambooStandingSign: BlockType
bambooTrapdoor: BlockType
bambooWallSign: BlockType
barrel: BlockType

Represents a barrel within Minecraft.

barrier: BlockType

Represents an invisible but logical barrier within Minecraft.

basalt: BlockType

Represents a basalt block within Minecraft.

beacon: BlockType

Represents a beacon within Minecraft.

Represents a bed within Minecraft.

bedrock: BlockType

Represents a bedrock block within Minecraft.

beeNest: BlockType

Represents a bee nest within Minecraft.

beehive: BlockType

Represents a beehive within Minecraft.

beetroot: BlockType

Represents a beetroot vegetable within Minecraft.

bell: BlockType

Represents a bell within Minecraft.

bigDripleaf: BlockType

Represents a big dripleaf plant within Minecraft.

birchButton: BlockType

Represents a birch button within Minecraft.

birchDoor: BlockType

Represents a birch door within Minecraft.

birchFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a birch fence gate within Minecraft.

birchHangingSign: BlockType
birchPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a birch pressure plate within Minecraft.

birchStairs: BlockType

Represents a birch stairs block within Minecraft.

birchStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a birch standing sign within Minecraft.

birchTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a birch trapdoor within Minecraft.

birchWallSign: BlockType

Represents a birch wall sign within Minecraft.

blackCandle: BlockType

Represents a black candle within Minecraft.

blackCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a black candle cake within Minecraft.

blackGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a black glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

blackstone: BlockType

Represents a blackstone block within Minecraft.

blackstoneDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a blackstone double slab within Minecraft.

blackstoneSlab: BlockType

Represents a blackstone slab within Minecraft.

blackstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents blackstone stairs within Minecraft.

blackstoneWall: BlockType

Represents a blackstone wall within Minecraft.

blastFurnace: BlockType

Represents a blast furnace within Minecraft.

blueCandle: BlockType

Represents a blue candle within Minecraft.

blueCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a blue candle cake within Minecraft.

blueGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a blue glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

blueIce: BlockType

Represents a blue ice block within Minecraft.

boneBlock: BlockType

Represents a bone block within Minecraft.

bookshelf: BlockType

Represents an unbreakable border block within Minecraft.

borderBlock: BlockType

Represents a border block within Minecraft.

brewingStand: BlockType

Represents a brewing stand within Minecraft.

brickBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of brick within Minecraft.

brickStairs: BlockType

Represents brick stairs within Minecraft.

brownCandle: BlockType

Represents a brown candle within Minecraft.

brownCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a brown candle cake within Minecraft.

brownGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a brown glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

brownMushroom: BlockType

Represents a brown mushroom within Minecraft.

brownMushroomBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of brown mushroom within Minecraft.

bubbleColumn: BlockType

Represents a column of bubbles within Minecraft.

buddingAmethyst: BlockType

Represents a block of budding amethyst within Minecraft.

cactus: BlockType

Represents a cactus within Minecraft.

cake: BlockType

Represents a cake within Minecraft.

calcite: BlockType

Represents a calcite block within Minecraft.

camera: BlockType

Represents a camera within Minecraft Education Edition. It is not available in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

campfire: BlockType

Represents a campfire within Minecraft.

candle: BlockType

Represents a candle within Minecraft.

candleCake: BlockType

Represents a cake with candles within Minecraft.

carpet: BlockType

Represents a carpet within Minecraft.

carrots: BlockType

Represents carrots within Minecraft.

cartographyTable: BlockType

Represents a cartography table block within Minecraft.

carvedPumpkin: BlockType

Represents a carved pumpkin within Minecraft.

cauldron: BlockType

Represents a cauldron within Minecraft.

caveVines: BlockType

Represents a set of cave vines within Minecraft.

caveVinesBodyWithBerries: BlockType

Represents the body of a set of cave vines with berries within Minecraft.

caveVinesHeadWithBerries: BlockType

Represents the head of a set of cave vines with berries within Minecraft.

chain: BlockType

Represents a metallic chain within Minecraft.

chainCommandBlock: BlockType

Represents a block that gives off heat but not light, within Minecraft Education Edition or Bedrock Edition with Education features.

chemicalHeat: BlockType

Represents a chemical heat block within Minecraft.

chemistryTable: BlockType

Represents a chemistry table within Minecraft Education experiences.

chest: BlockType

Represents a chest within Minecraft.

chiseledBookshelf: BlockType
chiseledDeepslate: BlockType

Represents a set of chiseled deepslate within Minecraft.

chiseledNetherBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of chiseled nether bricks within Minecraft.

chiseledPolishedBlackstone: BlockType

Represents a block of chiseled polished blackstone within Minecraft.

chorusFlower: BlockType

Represents a chorus flower within Minecraft.

chorusPlant: BlockType

Represents a chorus plant within Minecraft.

clay: BlockType

Represents a block of clay within Minecraft.

clientRequestPlaceholderBlock: BlockType
coalBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of solid coal within Minecraft.

coalOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded coal ore within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslate: BlockType

Represents a block of cobbled deepslate within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of cobbled deepslate within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of deepslate within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateStairs: BlockType

Represents cobbled deepslate stairs within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateWall: BlockType

Represents a cobbled deepslate wall within Minecraft.

cobblestone: BlockType

Represents a block of cobblestone within Minecraft.

cobblestoneWall: BlockType

Represents a wall of cobblestone within Minecraft.

cocoa: BlockType

Represents a set of cocoa beans (typically on a tree) within Minecraft.

coloredTorchBp: BlockType

Represents blue/purple torches within Minecraft.

coloredTorchRg: BlockType

Represents red/green torches within Minecraft.

commandBlock: BlockType

Represents a block that can run commands within Minecraft.

composter: BlockType

Represents a composter block within Minecraft.

concrete: BlockType

Represents a block of concrete powder within Minecraft.

concretePowder: BlockType

Represents a block of concrete powder within Minecraft.

conduit: BlockType

Represents a conduit block within Minecraft.

copperBlock: BlockType

Represents a solid block of copper within Minecraft.

copperOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded copper ore within Minecraft.

coral: BlockType

Represents coral within Minecraft.

coralBlock: BlockType

Represents a solid block of coral within Minecraft.

coralFan: BlockType

Represents a fan formation of coral within Minecraft.

coralFanDead: BlockType

Represents a fan formation of dead coral within Minecraft.

coralFanHang: BlockType

Represents a hanging fan formation of coral within Minecraft.

coralFanHang2: BlockType

Represents an alternate hanging fan formation of coral (#2) within Minecraft.

coralFanHang3: BlockType

Represents an alternate hanging fan formation of coral (#3) within Minecraft.

crackedDeepslateBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of cracked deepslate bricks within Minecraft.

crackedDeepslateTiles: BlockType

Represents tiles of cracked deepslate within Minecraft.

crackedNetherBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of cracked nether bricks within Minecraft.

crackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of cracked and polished blackstone bricks within Minecraft.

craftingTable: BlockType

Represents a crafting table within Minecraft.

crimsonButton: BlockType

Represents a crimson button within Minecraft.

crimsonDoor: BlockType

Represents a crimson door within Minecraft.

crimsonDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a crimson double slab within Minecraft.

crimsonFence: BlockType

Represents a crimson fence within Minecraft.

crimsonFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a crimson fence gate within Minecraft.

crimsonFungus: BlockType

Represents a crimson fungus within Minecraft.

crimsonHangingSign: BlockType
crimsonHyphae: BlockType

Represents crimson hyphae within Minecraft.

crimsonNylium: BlockType

Represents crimson nylium within Minecraft.

crimsonPlanks: BlockType

Represents a set of crimson planks within Minecraft.

crimsonPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a crimson pressure plate within Minecraft.

crimsonRoots: BlockType

Represents a set of crimson roots within Minecraft.

crimsonSlab: BlockType

Represents a crimson slab within Minecraft.

crimsonStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of crimson stairs within Minecraft.

crimsonStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a crimson standing sign within Minecraft.

crimsonStem: BlockType

Represents a crimson stem within Minecraft.

crimsonTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a crimson trapdoor within Minecraft.

crimsonWallSign: BlockType

Represents a crimson wall sign within Minecraft.

cryingObsidian: BlockType

Represents crying obsidian within Minecraft.

cutCopper: BlockType

Represents a cut copper block within Minecraft.

cutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a cut copper slab within Minecraft.

cutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

cyanCandle: BlockType

Represents a cyan-colored candle within Minecraft.

cyanCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a cake with a cyan-colored candle within Minecraft.

cyanGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a block of cyan-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

darkOakButton: BlockType

Represents a dark oak button within Minecraft.

darkOakDoor: BlockType

Represents a dark oak door within Minecraft.

darkOakFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a dark oak fence gate within Minecraft.

darkOakHangingSign: BlockType
darkOakPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a dark oak pressure plate within Minecraft.

darkOakStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of dark oak stairs within Minecraft.

darkOakTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a dark oak trapdoor within Minecraft.

darkPrismarineStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of dark prismarine stairs within Minecraft.

darkoakStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a dark oak standing sign within Minecraft.

darkoakWallSign: BlockType

Represents a dark oak wall sign within Minecraft.

daylightDetector: BlockType

Represents a daylight detector within Minecraft.

daylightDetectorInverted: BlockType

Represents an inverted daylight detector within Minecraft.

deadbush: BlockType

Represents a dead bush within Minecraft.

deepslate: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of deepslate brick within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of deepslate brick within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of deepslate brick stairs within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickWall: BlockType

Represents a deepslate brick wall within Minecraft.

deepslateBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate bricks within Minecraft.

deepslateCoalOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded coal ore within Minecraft.

deepslateCopperOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded copper ore within Minecraft.

deepslateDiamondOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded diamond ore within Minecraft.

deepslateEmeraldOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded emerald ore within Minecraft.

deepslateGoldOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

deepslateIronOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded iron ore within Minecraft.

deepslateLapisOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded lapis lazuli ore within Minecraft.

deepslateRedstoneOre: BlockType

Represents a block of deepslate with embedded redstone ore within Minecraft.

deepslateTileDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of tiled deepslate within Minecraft.

deepslateTileSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of deepslate tiles within Minecraft.

deepslateTileStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of deepslate tile stairs within Minecraft.

deepslateTileWall: BlockType

Represents a wall of deepslate tile within Minecraft.

deepslateTiles: BlockType

Represents a set of deepslate tiles within Minecraft.

deny: BlockType

Represents a logical but generally invisible Deny logic block within Minecraft.

detectorRail: BlockType

Represents a detector rail within Minecraft.

diamondBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of diamond within Minecraft.

diamondOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded diamond ore within Minecraft.

dioriteStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of diorite stairs within Minecraft.

dirt: BlockType

Represents a block of dirt within Minecraft.

dirtWithRoots: BlockType

Represents a block of dirt with roots within Minecraft.

dispenser: BlockType

Represents a dispenser within Minecraft.

doubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of double cut copper within Minecraft.

doublePlant: BlockType

Represents a double plant within Minecraft.

doubleStoneBlockSlab: BlockType
doubleStoneBlockSlab2: BlockType
doubleStoneBlockSlab3: BlockType
doubleStoneBlockSlab4: BlockType
doubleStoneSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of stone within Minecraft.

doubleStoneSlab2: BlockType

Represents an alternate double slab of stone (#2) within Minecraft.

doubleStoneSlab3: BlockType

Represents an alternate double slab of stone (#3) within Minecraft.

doubleStoneSlab4: BlockType

Represents an alternate double slab of stone (#4) within Minecraft.

doubleWoodenSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of wood within Minecraft.

dragonEgg: BlockType

Represents a dragon egg within Minecraft.

driedKelpBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of dried kelp within Minecraft.

dripstoneBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of dripstone within Minecraft.

dropper: BlockType

Represents a dropper within Minecraft.

element0: BlockType

Represents an element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element1: BlockType

Represents the hydrogen element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element10: BlockType

Represents the neon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element100: BlockType

Represents the fermium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element101: BlockType

Represents the mendelevium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element102: BlockType

Represents the nobelium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element103: BlockType

Represents the lawrencium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element104: BlockType

Represents the rutherfordium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element105: BlockType

Represents the dubnium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element106: BlockType

Represents the seaborgium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element107: BlockType

Represents the bohrium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element108: BlockType

Represents the hassium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element109: BlockType

Represents the meitnerium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element11: BlockType

Represents the sodium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element110: BlockType

Represents the darmstadtium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element111: BlockType

Represents the roentgenium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element112: BlockType

Represents the copernicium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element113: BlockType

Represents the nihonium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element114: BlockType

Represents the flerovium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element115: BlockType

Represents the moscovium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element116: BlockType

Represents the livermorium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element117: BlockType

Represents the tennessine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element118: BlockType

Represents the oganesson element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element12: BlockType

Represents the magnesium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element13: BlockType

Represents the aluminum element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element14: BlockType

Represents the silicon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element15: BlockType

Represents the phosphorus element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element16: BlockType

Represents the sulfur element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element17: BlockType

Represents the chlorine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element18: BlockType

Represents the argon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element19: BlockType

Represents the potassium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element2: BlockType

Represents the helium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element20: BlockType

Represents the calcium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element21: BlockType

Represents the scandium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element22: BlockType

Represents the titanium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element23: BlockType

Represents the vanadium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element24: BlockType

Represents the chromium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element25: BlockType

Represents the manganese element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element26: BlockType

Represents the iron element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element27: BlockType

Represents the cobalt element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element28: BlockType

Represents the nickel element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element29: BlockType

Represents the copper element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element3: BlockType

Represents a lithium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element30: BlockType

Represents the zinc element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element31: BlockType

Represents the gallium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element32: BlockType

Represents a germanium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element33: BlockType

Represents the arsenic element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element34: BlockType

Represents the selenium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element35: BlockType

Represents the bromine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element36: BlockType

Represents the krypton element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element37: BlockType

Represents the rubidium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element38: BlockType

Represents the strontium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element39: BlockType

Represents the yttrium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element4: BlockType

Represents a beryllium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element40: BlockType

Represents the zirconium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element41: BlockType

Represents the niobium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element42: BlockType

Represents the molybdenum element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element43: BlockType

Represents the technetium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element44: BlockType

Represents the ruthenium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element45: BlockType

Represents the rhodium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element46: BlockType

Represents the palladium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element47: BlockType

Represents the silver element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element48: BlockType

Represents the cadmium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element49: BlockType

Represents the indium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element5: BlockType

Represents the boron element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element50: BlockType

Represents the tin element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element51: BlockType

Represents the antimony element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element52: BlockType

Represents the tellurium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element53: BlockType

Represents the iodine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element54: BlockType

Represents the xenon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element55: BlockType

Represents the cesium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element56: BlockType

Represents the barium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element57: BlockType

Represents the lanthanum element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element58: BlockType

Represents the cerium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element59: BlockType

Represents the praseodymium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element6: BlockType

Represents the carbon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element60: BlockType

Represents the neodymium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element61: BlockType

Represents the promethium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element62: BlockType

Represents the samarium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element63: BlockType

Represents the europium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element64: BlockType

Represents the gadolinium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element65: BlockType

Represents a terbium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element66: BlockType

Represents the dysprosium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element67: BlockType

Represents the holmium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element68: BlockType

Represents the erbium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element69: BlockType

Represents the thulium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element7: BlockType

Represents the nitrogen element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element70: BlockType

Represents the ytterbium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element71: BlockType

Represents the lutetium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element72: BlockType

Represents a hafnium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element73: BlockType

Represents the tantalum element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element74: BlockType

Represents the tungsten element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element75: BlockType

Represents the rhenium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element76: BlockType

Represents the osmium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element77: BlockType

Represents the iridium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element78: BlockType

Represents the platinum element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element79: BlockType

Represents the gold element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element8: BlockType

Represents the oxygen element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element80: BlockType

Represents the mercury element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element81: BlockType

Represents the thallium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element82: BlockType

Represents the lead element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element83: BlockType

Represents the bismuth element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element84: BlockType

Represents the polonium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element85: BlockType

Represents the astatine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element86: BlockType

Represents the radon element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element87: BlockType

Represents the francium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element88: BlockType

Represents the radium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element89: BlockType

Represents the actinium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element9: BlockType

Represents the fluorine element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element90: BlockType

Represents the thorium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element91: BlockType

Represents the protactinium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element92: BlockType

Represents the uranium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element93: BlockType

Represents the neptunium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element94: BlockType

Represents the plutonium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element95: BlockType

Represents the americium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element96: BlockType

Represents the curium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element97: BlockType

Represents the berkelium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element98: BlockType

Represents the californium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

element99: BlockType

Represents the einsteinium element in Minecraft Education experiences.

emeraldBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of emerald within Minecraft.

emeraldOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded emerald ore within Minecraft.

enchantingTable: BlockType

Represents an enchanting table within Minecraft.

endBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of end brick stairs within Minecraft.

endBricks: BlockType

Represents an end bricks block within Minecraft.

endGateway: BlockType

Represents an end gateway within Minecraft.

endPortal: BlockType

Represents an end portal block within Minecraft.

endPortalFrame: BlockType

Represents an end portal frame within Minecraft.

endRod: BlockType

Represents an end rod within Minecraft.

endStone: BlockType

Represents an end stone block within Minecraft.

enderChest: BlockType

Represents an ender chest within Minecraft.

exposedCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of exposed copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of exposed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

exposedDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

farmland: BlockType

Represents a farmland block within Minecraft.

fence: BlockType

Represents a fence within Minecraft.

fenceGate: BlockType

Represents a fence gate within Minecraft.

fire: BlockType

Represents a fire within Minecraft.

fletchingTable: BlockType

Represents a fletching table within Minecraft.

flowerPot: BlockType

Represents a flower pot within Minecraft.

floweringAzalea: BlockType

Represents a flowering azalea plant within Minecraft.

flowingLava: BlockType

Represents flowing lava within Minecraft.

flowingWater: BlockType

Represents flowing water within Minecraft.

frame: BlockType

Represents a frame within Minecraft.

frogSpawn: BlockType
frostedIce: BlockType

Represents a frosted ice block within Minecraft.

furnace: BlockType

Represents a furnace within Minecraft.

gildedBlackstone: BlockType

Represents a block of gilded blackstone within Minecraft.

glass: BlockType

Represents a glass block within Minecraft.

glassPane: BlockType

Represents a pane of glass within Minecraft.

glowFrame: BlockType

Represents a glowing frame within Minecraft.

glowLichen: BlockType

Represents glow lichen within Minecraft.

glowingobsidian: BlockType

Represents a glowing obsidian block within Minecraft.

glowstone: BlockType

Represents a block of glowstone within Minecraft.

goldBlock: BlockType

Represents a gold block within Minecraft.

goldOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

goldenRail: BlockType

Represents a golden rail element within Minecraft.

graniteStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of granite stairs within Minecraft.

grass: BlockType

Represents a block of dirt and grass within Minecraft.

grassPath: BlockType

Represents a block of dirt and grass with a path within Minecraft.

gravel: BlockType

Represents a block of gravel within Minecraft.

grayCandle: BlockType

Represents a gray-colored candle within Minecraft.

grayCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a cake with gray-colored candle within Minecraft.

grayGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a gray-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

greenCandle: BlockType

Represents a green-colored candle within Minecraft.

greenCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a green-colored candle cake within Minecraft.

greenGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a green block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

grindstone: BlockType

Represents a grindstone within Minecraft.

hangingRoots: BlockType

Represents a set of hanging roots within Minecraft.

hardGlass: BlockType

Represents a block of hard glass within Minecraft.

hardGlassPane: BlockType

Represents a pane of hard glass within Minecraft.

hardStainedGlass: BlockType

Represents a stained hard glass block within Minecraft.

hardStainedGlassPane: BlockType

Represents a stained pane of hard glass within Minecraft.

hardenedClay: BlockType

Represents a block of hardened clay within Minecraft.

hayBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of hay within Minecraft.

heavyWeightedPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a heavy weighted pressure plate within Minecraft.

honeyBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of honey within Minecraft.

honeycombBlock: BlockType

Represents a honeycomb block within Minecraft.

hopper: BlockType

Represents a hopper within Minecraft.

Represents a block of ice within Minecraft.

infestedDeepslate: BlockType

Represents an infested block of deepslate within Minecraft.

infoUpdate: BlockType

Represents an information update block within Minecraft.

infoUpdate2: BlockType

Represents an information update block within Minecraft.

invisibleBedrock: BlockType

Represents an invisible boundary bedrock block within Minecraft.

ironBars: BlockType

Represents iron bars within Minecraft.

ironBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of iron within Minecraft.

ironDoor: BlockType

Represents an iron door within Minecraft.

ironOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded iron ore within Minecraft.

ironTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents an iron trapdoor within Minecraft.

jigsaw: BlockType

Represents a jigsaw within Minecraft.

jukebox: BlockType

Represents a jukebox within Minecraft.

jungleButton: BlockType

Represents jungle wood button within Minecraft.

jungleDoor: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood door within Minecraft.

jungleFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood fence gate within Minecraft.

jungleHangingSign: BlockType
junglePressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood pressure plate within Minecraft.

jungleStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of jungle wood stairs within Minecraft.

jungleStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood standing sign within Minecraft.

jungleTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood trapdoor within Minecraft.

jungleWallSign: BlockType

Represents a jungle wood wall sign within Minecraft.

kelp: BlockType

Represents a set of kelp within Minecraft.

ladder: BlockType

Represents a ladder within Minecraft.

lantern: BlockType

Represents a lantern within Minecraft.

lapisBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of lapis lazuli within Minecraft.

lapisOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded lapis lazuli within Minecraft.

largeAmethystBud: BlockType

Represents a bud of large amethyst within Minecraft.

lava: BlockType

Represents lava within Minecraft.

lavaCauldron: BlockType

Represents a cauldron filled with lava within Minecraft.

leaves: BlockType

Represents a set of leaves within Minecraft.

leaves2: BlockType

Represents an updated set of leaves within Minecraft.

lectern: BlockType

Represents a lectern within Minecraft.

lever: BlockType

Represents a lever within Minecraft.

lightBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of light within Minecraft.

lightBlueCandle: BlockType

Represents a light blue candle within Minecraft.

lightBlueCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a light blue candle cake within Minecraft.

lightBlueGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a light blue block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

lightGrayCandle: BlockType

Represents a light gray candle within Minecraft.

lightGrayCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a light gray candle cake within Minecraft.

lightWeightedPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a light weighted pressure plate within Minecraft.

lightningRod: BlockType

Represents a lightning rod within Minecraft.

limeCandle: BlockType

Represents a lime candle within Minecraft.

limeCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a lime-colored candle cake within Minecraft.

limeGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a lime-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

litBlastFurnace: BlockType

Represents a lit blast furnace within Minecraft.

litDeepslateRedstoneOre: BlockType

Represents lit deepslate redstone ore within Minecraft.

litFurnace: BlockType

Represents a lit furnace within Minecraft.

litPumpkin: BlockType

Represents a lit pumpkin within Minecraft.

litRedstoneLamp: BlockType

Represents a lit redstone lamp within Minecraft.

litRedstoneOre: BlockType

Represents lit redstone ore within Minecraft.

litSmoker: BlockType

Represents a lit smoker within Minecraft.

lodestone: BlockType

Represents a lodestone within Minecraft.

Represents a log within Minecraft.

log2: BlockType

Represents a more updated, customizable log within Minecraft.

loom: BlockType

Represents a loom within Minecraft.

magentaCandle: BlockType

Represents a magenta candle within Minecraft.

magentaCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a magenta candle cake within Minecraft.

magentaGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a block of magenta-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

magma: BlockType

Represents magma within Minecraft.

mangroveButton: BlockType
mangroveDoor: BlockType
mangroveDoubleSlab: BlockType
mangroveFence: BlockType
mangroveFenceGate: BlockType
mangroveHangingSign: BlockType
mangroveLeaves: BlockType
mangroveLog: BlockType
mangrovePlanks: BlockType
mangrovePressurePlate: BlockType
mangrovePropagule: BlockType
mangroveRoots: BlockType
mangroveSlab: BlockType
mangroveStairs: BlockType
mangroveStandingSign: BlockType
mangroveTrapdoor: BlockType
mangroveWallSign: BlockType
mangroveWood: BlockType
mediumAmethystBud: BlockType

Represents a medium-sized bud of amethyst within Minecraft.

melonBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of melon within Minecraft.

melonStem: BlockType

Represents a stem of melon within Minecraft.

mobSpawner: BlockType

Represents a mob spawner within Minecraft.

monsterEgg: BlockType

Represents a monster egg within Minecraft.

mossBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of moss within Minecraft.

mossCarpet: BlockType

Represents a carpet of moss within Minecraft.

mossyCobblestone: BlockType

Represents a block of cobblestone with moss within Minecraft.

mossyCobblestoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of mossy cobblestone stairs within Minecraft.

mossyStoneBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of mossy stone brick stairs within Minecraft.

movingBlock: BlockType
mudBrickDoubleSlab: BlockType
mudBrickSlab: BlockType
mudBrickStairs: BlockType
mudBrickWall: BlockType
mudBricks: BlockType
muddyMangroveRoots: BlockType
mycelium: BlockType

Represents a mycelium plant within Minecraft.

netherBrick: BlockType

Represents a nether brick block within Minecraft.

netherBrickFence: BlockType

Represents a nether brick fence within Minecraft.

netherBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of nether brick stairs within Minecraft.

netherGoldOre: BlockType

Represents a block of nether with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

netherSprouts: BlockType

Represents nether sprouts within Minecraft.

netherWart: BlockType

Represents nether wart within Minecraft.

netherWartBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of nether wart within Minecraft.

netheriteBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of netherite within Minecraft.

netherrack: BlockType

Represents a block of netherrack within Minecraft.

netherreactor: BlockType

Represents a nether rock within Minecraft.

normalStoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a standard set of stone stairs within Minecraft.

noteblock: BlockType

Represents a note block within Minecraft.

oakHangingSign: BlockType
oakStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of oak stairs within Minecraft.

observer: BlockType

Represents an observer within Minecraft.

obsidian: BlockType

Represents an obsidian block within Minecraft.

ochreFroglight: BlockType
orangeCandle: BlockType

Represents an orange candle within Minecraft.

orangeCandleCake: BlockType

Represents an orange candle cake within Minecraft.

orangeGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a block of orange-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

oxidizedCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of oxidized copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of oxidized cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

oxidizedDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

packedIce: BlockType

Represents a block of packed ice within Minecraft.

packedMud: BlockType
pearlescentFroglight: BlockType
pinkCandle: BlockType

Represents a pink candle within Minecraft.

pinkCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a pink candle cake within Minecraft.

pinkGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a pink-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

piston: BlockType

Represents a piston within Minecraft.

pistonArmCollision: BlockType
planks: BlockType

Represents a set of planks within Minecraft.

podzol: BlockType

Represents podzol within Minecraft.

pointedDripstone: BlockType

Represents pointed dripstone within Minecraft.

polishedAndesiteStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of polished andesite stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBasalt: BlockType

Represents a block of polished basalt within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstone: BlockType

Represents a block of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of polished blackstone brick within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of polished blackstone brick stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickWall: BlockType

Represents a polished blackstone brick wall within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of polished blackstone bricks within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneButton: BlockType

Represents a polished blackstone button within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstonePressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a polished blackstone pressure plate within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of polished blackstone stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneWall: BlockType

Represents a polished blackstone wall within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslate: BlockType

Represents a block of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of polished deepslate stairs within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateWall: BlockType

Represents a wall of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDioriteStairs: BlockType

Represents a block of polished diorite within Minecraft.

polishedGraniteStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of polished granite stairs within Minecraft.

portal: BlockType

Represents a portal within Minecraft.

potatoes: BlockType

Represents a set of potatoes within Minecraft.

powderSnow: BlockType

Represents a block of powder snow within Minecraft.

poweredComparator: BlockType

Represents a powered comparator within Minecraft.

poweredRepeater: BlockType

Represents a powered repeater within Minecraft.

prismarine: BlockType

Represents a block of prismarine within Minecraft.

prismarineBricksStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of prismarine brick stairs within Minecraft.

prismarineStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of prismarine stairs within Minecraft.

pumpkin: BlockType

Represents a pumpkin within Minecraft.

pumpkinStem: BlockType

Represents a pumpkin stem within Minecraft.

purpleCandle: BlockType

Represents a purple candle within Minecraft.

purpleCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a purple colored candle cake within Minecraft.

purpleGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a purple-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

purpurBlock: BlockType

Represents a purpur block within Minecraft.

purpurStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of purpur stairs within Minecraft.

quartzBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of solid quartz within Minecraft.

quartzBricks: BlockType

Represents a block of solid quartz bricks within Minecraft.

quartzOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded quartz ore within Minecraft.

quartzStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of quartz stairs within Minecraft.

rail: BlockType

Represents a set of rails within Minecraft.

rawCopperBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of raw copper within Minecraft.

rawGoldBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of raw gold within Minecraft.

rawIronBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of raw iron within Minecraft.

redCandle: BlockType

Represents a red candle within Minecraft.

redCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a red candle cake within Minecraft.

redFlower: BlockType

Represents a red flower within Minecraft.

redGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a red-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

redMushroom: BlockType

Represents a red mushroom within Minecraft.

redMushroomBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of red mushroom within Minecraft.

redNetherBrick: BlockType

Represents a block of red nether brick within Minecraft.

redNetherBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of red nether brick stairs within Minecraft.

redSandstone: BlockType

Represents a block of red sandstone within Minecraft.

redSandstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of red sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

redstoneBlock: BlockType

Represents a block of redstone within Minecraft.

redstoneLamp: BlockType

Represents a redstone lamp within Minecraft.

redstoneOre: BlockType

Represents a block with embedded redstone ore within Minecraft.

redstoneTorch: BlockType

Represents a redstone torch within Minecraft.

redstoneWire: BlockType

Represents a redstone wire within Minecraft.

reeds: BlockType

Represents reeds within Minecraft.

reinforcedDeepslate: BlockType
repeatingCommandBlock: BlockType

Represents a repeating command block within Minecraft.

reserved6: BlockType

Represents a reserved block within Minecraft.

respawnAnchor: BlockType

Represents a respawn anchor within Minecraft.

sand: BlockType

Represents a block of sand within Minecraft.

sandstone: BlockType

Represents a block of sandstone within Minecraft.

sandstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

sapling: BlockType

Represents a sapling within Minecraft.

scaffolding: BlockType

Represents a set of scaffolding within Minecraft.

sculk: BlockType
sculkCatalyst: BlockType
sculkSensor: BlockType

Represents a sculk sensor within Minecraft.

sculkShrieker: BlockType
sculkVein: BlockType
seaLantern: BlockType

Represents a sealantern within Minecraft.

seaPickle: BlockType

Represents a seapickle within Minecraft.

seagrass: BlockType

Represents seagrass within Minecraft.

shroomlight: BlockType

Represents a shroom light within Minecraft.

shulkerBox: BlockType

Represents a shulker box within Minecraft.

silverGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a silver-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

skull: BlockType

Represents a skull within Minecraft.

slime: BlockType

Represents slime within Minecraft.

smallAmethystBud: BlockType

Represents a small bud of amethyst within Minecraft.

smallDripleafBlock: BlockType

Represents a small dripleaf block within Minecraft.

smithingTable: BlockType

Represents a smithing table within Minecraft.

smoker: BlockType

Represents a smoker within Minecraft.

smoothBasalt: BlockType

Represents a block of smooth basalt within Minecraft.

smoothQuartzStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of smooth quartz stairs within Minecraft.

smoothRedSandstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of smooth red sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

smoothSandstoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of smooth redstone stairs within Minecraft.

smoothStone: BlockType

Represents a smooth stone block within Minecraft.

snow: BlockType

Represents snow within Minecraft.

snowLayer: BlockType

Represents a layer of snow within Minecraft.

soulCampfire: BlockType

Represents a soul campfire within Minecraft.

soulFire: BlockType

Represents soul fire within Minecraft.

soulLantern: BlockType

Represents a soul lantern within Minecraft.

soulSand: BlockType

Represents a block of soul sand within Minecraft.

soulSoil: BlockType

Represents soul soil within Minecraft.

soulTorch: BlockType

Represents a soul torch within Minecraft.

sponge: BlockType

Represents a sponge within Minecraft.

sporeBlossom: BlockType

Represents a spore blossom within Minecraft.

spruceButton: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood button within Minecraft.

spruceDoor: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood door within Minecraft.

spruceFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood fence gate within Minecraft.

spruceHangingSign: BlockType
sprucePressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood pressure plate within Minecraft.

spruceStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of spruce wood stairs within Minecraft.

spruceStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood standing sign within Minecraft.

spruceTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood trapdoor within Minecraft.

spruceWallSign: BlockType

Represents a spruce wood wall sign within Minecraft.

stainedGlass: BlockType

Represents stained glass within Minecraft.

stainedGlassPane: BlockType

Represents a pane of stained glass within Minecraft.

stainedHardenedClay: BlockType

Represents a block of stained hardened clay within Minecraft.

standingBanner: BlockType

Represents a standing banner within Minecraft.

standingSign: BlockType

Represents a standing sign within Minecraft.

stickyPiston: BlockType

Represents a piston block with a sticky arm within Minecraft.

stickyPistonArmCollision: BlockType
stone: BlockType

Represents a block of stone within Minecraft.

stoneBlockSlab: BlockType
stoneBlockSlab2: BlockType
stoneBlockSlab3: BlockType
stoneBlockSlab4: BlockType
stoneBrickStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of stone brick stairs within Minecraft.

stoneButton: BlockType

Represents a stone button within Minecraft.

stonePressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a stone pressure plate within Minecraft.

stoneSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of stone within Minecraft.

stoneSlab2: BlockType

Represents a variant of a slab of stone (#2) within Minecraft.

stoneSlab3: BlockType

Represents a slab of stone (variant #3) within Minecraft.

stoneSlab4: BlockType

Represents a slab of stone (variant #4) within Minecraft.

stoneStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of stone stairs within Minecraft.

stonebrick: BlockType

Represents a block of stone brick within Minecraft.

stonecutter: BlockType

Represents a stonecutter within Minecraft.

stonecutterBlock: BlockType

Represents a stonecutter block within Minecraft.

strippedAcaciaLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped acacia log within Minecraft.

strippedBirchLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped birch log within Minecraft.

strippedCrimsonHyphae: BlockType

Represents stripped crimson hyphae within Minecraft.

strippedCrimsonStem: BlockType

Represents a stripped crimson stem within Minecraft.

strippedDarkOakLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped dark oak log within Minecraft.

strippedJungleLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped jungle log within Minecraft.

strippedMangroveLog: BlockType
strippedMangroveWood: BlockType
strippedOakLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped oak log within Minecraft.

strippedSpruceLog: BlockType

Represents a stripped spruce log within Minecraft.

strippedWarpedHyphae: BlockType

Represents stripped warped hyphae within Minecraft.

strippedWarpedStem: BlockType

Represents stripped warped stem within Minecraft.

structureBlock: BlockType

Represents a structure block, which provides for the saving and loading of block structures, within Minecraft.

structureVoid: BlockType

Represents a structure void within Minecraft.

sweetBerryBush: BlockType

Represents a sweet berry bush within Minecraft.

tallgrass: BlockType

Represents tall grass within Minecraft.

target: BlockType

Represents a target within Minecraft.

tintedGlass: BlockType

Represents tinted glass within Minecraft.

Represents a block of TnT within Minecraft.

torch: BlockType

Represents a torch within Minecraft.

trapdoor: BlockType

Represents a trapdoor within Minecraft.

trappedChest: BlockType

Represents a trapped chest within Minecraft.

tripWire: BlockType
tripwireHook: BlockType

Represents a tripwire hook within Minecraft.

tuff: BlockType

Represents a block of tuff within Minecraft.

turtleEgg: BlockType

Represents a turtle egg within Minecraft.

twistingVines: BlockType

Represents a set of twisting vines within Minecraft.

underwaterTorch: BlockType

Represents an underwater torch within Minecraft.

undyedShulkerBox: BlockType

Represents an undyed shulker box within Minecraft.

unknown: BlockType

Represents an unknown block within Minecraft.

unlitRedstoneTorch: BlockType

Represents an unlit redstone torch within Minecraft.

unpoweredComparator: BlockType

Represents an unpowered comparator within Minecraft.

unpoweredRepeater: BlockType

Represents an unpowered repeater within Minecraft.

verdantFroglight: BlockType
vine: BlockType

Represents a set of vines within Minecraft.

wallBanner: BlockType

Represents a wall banner within Minecraft.

wallSign: BlockType

Represents a wall sign within Minecraft.

warpedButton: BlockType

Represents a warped button within Minecraft.

warpedDoor: BlockType

Represents a warped door within Minecraft.

warpedDoubleSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of warped within Minecraft.

warpedFence: BlockType

Represents a warped fence within Minecraft.

warpedFenceGate: BlockType

Represents a warped fence gate within Minecraft.

warpedFungus: BlockType

Represents warped fungus within Minecraft.

warpedHangingSign: BlockType
warpedHyphae: BlockType

Represents warped hyphae within Minecraft.

warpedNylium: BlockType

Represents warped nylium within Minecraft.

warpedPlanks: BlockType

Represents warped planks within Minecraft.

warpedPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a warped pressure plate within Minecraft.

warpedRoots: BlockType

Represents a set of warped roots within Minecraft.

warpedSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of warped material within Minecraft.

warpedStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of warped stairs within Minecraft.

warpedStandingSign: BlockType

Represents a warped standing sign within Minecraft.

warpedStem: BlockType

Represents a warped stem within Minecraft.

warpedTrapdoor: BlockType

Represents a warped trapdoor within Minecraft.

warpedWallSign: BlockType

Represents a warped wall sign within Minecraft.

warpedWartBlock: BlockType

Represents a warped wart block within Minecraft.

water: BlockType

Represents water within Minecraft.

waterlily: BlockType

Represents a water lily within Minecraft.

waxedCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of waxed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of waxed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of waxed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed exposed copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of waxed exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of waxed exposed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedExposedDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of waxed exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed oxidized copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of waxed oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of waxed oxidized cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of waxed oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed weathered copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of waxed weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of waxed weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of waxed weathered cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of waxed weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of weathered copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopper: BlockType

Represents a block of weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a slab of weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopperStairs: BlockType

Represents a set of weathered cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

weatheredDoubleCutCopperSlab: BlockType

Represents a double slab of weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

Represents a web within Minecraft.

weepingVines: BlockType

Represents a set of weeping vines within Minecraft.

wheat: BlockType

Represents wheat within Minecraft.

whiteCandle: BlockType

Represents a white candle within Minecraft.

whiteCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a white candle cake within Minecraft.

whiteGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a block of white glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

witherRose: BlockType

Represents a wither rose within Minecraft.

wood: BlockType

Represents a block of wood within Minecraft.

woodenButton: BlockType

Represents a wooden button within Minecraft.

woodenDoor: BlockType

Represents a wooden door within Minecraft.

woodenPressurePlate: BlockType

Represents a wooden pressure plate within Minecraft.

woodenSlab: BlockType

Represents a wooden slab within Minecraft.

wool: BlockType

Represents wool within Minecraft.

yellowCandle: BlockType

Represents a yellow candle within Minecraft.

yellowCandleCake: BlockType

Represents a yellow candle cake within Minecraft.

yellowFlower: BlockType

Represents a yellow flower within Minecraft.

yellowGlazedTerracotta: BlockType

Represents a yellow block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.


  • Parameters

    • typeName: string

    Returns BlockType

  • Returns BlockType[]


    Returns an array of all block types within Minecraft.