Class EntityNavigationGenericComponentBeta

Allows this entity to generate paths by walking, swimming, flying and/or climbing around and jumping up and down a block.




avoidDamageBlocks: boolean
avoidPortals: boolean
avoidSun: boolean
avoidWater: boolean
canBreach: boolean
canBreakDoors: boolean
canFloat: boolean
canJump: boolean
canOpenDoors: boolean
canOpenIronDoors: boolean
canPassDoors: boolean
canPathFromAir: boolean
canPathOverLava: boolean
canPathOverWater: boolean
canSink: boolean
canSwim: boolean
canWalk: boolean
canWalkInLava: boolean
isAmphibious: boolean
typeId: string
componentId: "minecraft:navigation.generic" = 'minecraft:navigation.generic'

Identifier of this component. Should always be minecraft:navigation.generic.