Class MinecraftItemTypesBeta

Contains definitions of standard Minecraft and Minecraft Education Edition block types.


  • MinecraftItemTypes



acaciaBoat acaciaButton acaciaChestBoat acaciaDoor acaciaFenceGate acaciaLog acaciaPressurePlate acaciaSign acaciaStairs acaciaTrapdoor activatorRail allaySpawnEgg allow amethystBlock amethystCluster amethystShard ancientDebris andesiteStairs anvil apple armorStand arrow axolotlBucket axolotlSpawnEgg azalea azaleaLeaves azaleaLeavesFlowered bakedPotato bamboo banner bannerPattern barrel barrier basalt batSpawnEgg beacon bed bedrock beeNest beeSpawnEgg beef beehive beetroot beetrootSeeds beetrootSoup bell bigDripleaf birchBoat birchButton birchChestBoat birchDoor birchFenceGate birchLog birchPressurePlate birchSign birchStairs birchTrapdoor blackCandle blackDye blackGlazedTerracotta blackWool blackstone blackstoneSlab blackstoneStairs blackstoneWall blastFurnace blazePowder blazeRod blazeSpawnEgg blueCandle blueDye blueGlazedTerracotta blueIce blueWool boat bone boneBlock boneMeal book bookshelf borderBlock bordureIndentedBannerPattern bow bowl bread brewingStand brick brickBlock brickStairs brownCandle brownDye brownGlazedTerracotta brownMushroom brownMushroomBlock brownWool bucket buddingAmethyst cactus cake calcite campfire candle carpet carrot carrotOnAStick cartographyTable carvedPumpkin catSpawnEgg cauldron caveSpiderSpawnEgg chain chainCommandBlock chainmailBoots chainmailChestplate chainmailHelmet chainmailLeggings charcoal chest chestBoat chestMinecart chicken chickenSpawnEgg chiseledDeepslate chiseledNetherBricks chiseledPolishedBlackstone chorusFlower chorusFruit chorusPlant clay clayBall clock coal coalBlock coalOre cobbledDeepslate cobbledDeepslateSlab cobbledDeepslateStairs cobbledDeepslateWall cobblestone cobblestoneWall cocoaBeans cod codBucket codSpawnEgg commandBlock commandBlockMinecart comparator compass composter concrete concretePowder conduit cookedBeef cookedChicken cookedCod cookedMutton cookedPorkchop cookedRabbit cookedSalmon cookie copperBlock copperIngot copperOre coral coralBlock coralFan coralFanDead cowSpawnEgg crackedDeepslateBricks crackedDeepslateTiles crackedNetherBricks crackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks craftingTable creeperBannerPattern creeperSpawnEgg crimsonButton crimsonDoor crimsonFence crimsonFenceGate crimsonFungus crimsonHyphae crimsonNylium crimsonPlanks crimsonPressurePlate crimsonRoots crimsonSign crimsonSlab crimsonStairs crimsonStem crimsonTrapdoor crossbow cryingObsidian cutCopper cutCopperSlab cutCopperStairs cyanCandle cyanDye cyanGlazedTerracotta cyanWool darkOakBoat darkOakButton darkOakChestBoat darkOakDoor darkOakFenceGate darkOakLog darkOakPressurePlate darkOakSign darkOakStairs darkOakTrapdoor darkPrismarineStairs daylightDetector deadbush deepslate deepslateBrickSlab deepslateBrickStairs deepslateBrickWall deepslateBricks deepslateCoalOre deepslateCopperOre deepslateDiamondOre deepslateEmeraldOre deepslateGoldOre deepslateIronOre deepslateLapisOre deepslateRedstoneOre deepslateTileSlab deepslateTileStairs deepslateTileWall deepslateTiles deny detectorRail diamond diamondAxe diamondBlock diamondBoots diamondChestplate diamondHelmet diamondHoe diamondHorseArmor diamondLeggings diamondOre diamondPickaxe diamondShovel diamondSword dioriteStairs dirt dirtWithRoots discFragment5 dispenser dolphinSpawnEgg donkeySpawnEgg doublePlant dragonBreath dragonEgg driedKelp driedKelpBlock dripstoneBlock dropper drownedSpawnEgg dye echoShard egg elderGuardianSpawnEgg elytra emerald emeraldBlock emeraldOre emptyMap enchantedBook enchantedGoldenApple enchantingTable endBrickStairs endBricks endCrystal endPortalFrame endRod endStone enderChest enderDragonSpawnEgg enderEye enderPearl endermanSpawnEgg endermiteSpawnEgg evokerSpawnEgg experienceBottle exposedCopper exposedCutCopper exposedCutCopperSlab exposedCutCopperStairs farmland feather fence fenceGate fermentedSpiderEye fieldMasonedBannerPattern filledMap fireCharge fireworkRocket fireworkStar fishingRod fletchingTable flint flintAndSteel flowerBannerPattern flowerPot floweringAzalea foxSpawnEgg frame frogSpawn frogSpawnEgg frostedIce furnace ghastSpawnEgg ghastTear gildedBlackstone glass glassBottle glassPane glisteringMelonSlice globeBannerPattern glowBerries glowFrame glowInkSac glowLichen glowSquidSpawnEgg glowstone glowstoneDust goatHorn goatSpawnEgg goldBlock goldIngot goldNugget goldOre goldenApple goldenAxe goldenBoots goldenCarrot goldenChestplate goldenHelmet goldenHoe goldenHorseArmor goldenLeggings goldenPickaxe goldenRail goldenShovel goldenSword graniteStairs grass grassPath gravel grayCandle grayDye grayGlazedTerracotta grayWool greenCandle greenDye greenGlazedTerracotta greenWool grindstone guardianSpawnEgg gunpowder hangingRoots hardenedClay hayBlock heartOfTheSea heavyWeightedPressurePlate hoglinSpawnEgg honeyBlock honeyBottle honeycomb honeycombBlock hopper hopperMinecart horseSpawnEgg huskSpawnEgg ice infestedDeepslate inkSac ironAxe ironBars ironBlock ironBoots ironChestplate ironDoor ironGolemSpawnEgg ironHelmet ironHoe ironHorseArmor ironIngot ironLeggings ironNugget ironOre ironPickaxe ironShovel ironSword ironTrapdoor jigsaw jukebox jungleBoat jungleButton jungleChestBoat jungleDoor jungleFenceGate jungleLog junglePressurePlate jungleSign jungleStairs jungleTrapdoor kelp ladder lantern lapisBlock lapisLazuli lapisOre largeAmethystBud lavaBucket lead leather leatherBoots leatherChestplate leatherHelmet leatherHorseArmor leatherLeggings leaves leaves2 lectern lever lightBlock lightBlueCandle lightBlueDye lightBlueGlazedTerracotta lightBlueWool lightGrayCandle lightGrayDye lightGrayWool lightWeightedPressurePlate lightningRod limeCandle limeDye limeGlazedTerracotta limeWool lingeringPotion litPumpkin llamaSpawnEgg lodestone lodestoneCompass log log2 loom magentaCandle magentaDye magentaGlazedTerracotta magentaWool magma magmaCream magmaCubeSpawnEgg mangroveBoat mangroveButton mangroveChestBoat mangroveDoor mangroveFence mangroveFenceGate mangroveLeaves mangroveLog mangrovePlanks mangrovePressurePlate mangrovePropagule mangroveRoots mangroveSign mangroveSlab mangroveStairs mangroveTrapdoor mangroveWood mediumAmethystBud melonBlock melonSeeds melonSlice milkBucket minecart mobSpawner mojangBannerPattern monsterEgg mooshroomSpawnEgg mossBlock mossCarpet mossyCobblestone mossyCobblestoneStairs mossyStoneBrickStairs mud mudBrickSlab mudBrickStairs mudBrickWall mudBricks muddyMangroveRoots muleSpawnEgg mushroomStew musicDisc11 musicDisc13 musicDisc5 musicDiscBlocks musicDiscCat musicDiscChirp musicDiscFar musicDiscMall musicDiscMellohi musicDiscOtherside musicDiscPigstep musicDiscStal musicDiscStrad musicDiscWait musicDiscWard mutton mycelium nameTag nautilusShell netherBrick netherBrickFence netherBrickStairs netherGoldOre netherSprouts netherStar netherWart netherWartBlock netherbrick netheriteAxe netheriteBlock netheriteBoots netheriteChestplate netheriteHelmet netheriteHoe netheriteIngot netheriteLeggings netheritePickaxe netheriteScrap netheriteShovel netheriteSword netherrack normalStoneStairs noteblock oakBoat oakChestBoat oakLog oakSign oakStairs observer obsidian ocelotSpawnEgg ochreFroglight orangeCandle orangeDye orangeGlazedTerracotta orangeWool oxidizedCopper oxidizedCutCopper oxidizedCutCopperSlab oxidizedCutCopperStairs packedIce packedMud painting pandaSpawnEgg paper parrotSpawnEgg pearlescentFroglight phantomMembrane phantomSpawnEgg pigSpawnEgg piglinBannerPattern piglinBruteSpawnEgg piglinSpawnEgg pillagerSpawnEgg pinkCandle pinkDye pinkGlazedTerracotta pinkWool piston planks podzol pointedDripstone poisonousPotato polarBearSpawnEgg polishedAndesiteStairs polishedBasalt polishedBlackstone polishedBlackstoneBrickSlab polishedBlackstoneBrickStairs polishedBlackstoneBrickWall polishedBlackstoneBricks polishedBlackstoneButton polishedBlackstonePressurePlate polishedBlackstoneSlab polishedBlackstoneStairs polishedBlackstoneWall polishedDeepslate polishedDeepslateSlab polishedDeepslateStairs polishedDeepslateWall polishedDioriteStairs polishedGraniteStairs poppedChorusFruit porkchop potato potion powderSnowBucket prismarine prismarineBricksStairs prismarineCrystals prismarineShard prismarineStairs pufferfish pufferfishBucket pufferfishSpawnEgg pumpkin pumpkinPie pumpkinSeeds purpleCandle purpleDye purpleGlazedTerracotta purpleWool purpurBlock purpurStairs quartz quartzBlock quartzBricks quartzOre quartzStairs rabbit rabbitFoot rabbitHide rabbitSpawnEgg rabbitStew rail ravagerSpawnEgg rawCopper rawCopperBlock rawGold rawGoldBlock rawIron rawIronBlock recoveryCompass redCandle redDye redFlower redGlazedTerracotta redMushroom redMushroomBlock redNetherBrick redNetherBrickStairs redSandstone redSandstoneStairs redWool redstone redstoneBlock redstoneLamp redstoneOre redstoneTorch reinforcedDeepslate repeater repeatingCommandBlock respawnAnchor rottenFlesh saddle salmon salmonBucket salmonSpawnEgg sand sandstone sandstoneStairs sapling scaffolding sculk sculkCatalyst sculkSensor sculkShrieker sculkVein scute seaLantern seaPickle seagrass shears sheepSpawnEgg shield shroomlight shulkerBox shulkerShell shulkerSpawnEgg silverGlazedTerracotta silverfishSpawnEgg skeletonHorseSpawnEgg skeletonSpawnEgg skull skullBannerPattern slime slimeBall slimeSpawnEgg smallAmethystBud smallDripleafBlock smithingTable smoker smoothBasalt smoothQuartzStairs smoothRedSandstoneStairs smoothSandstoneStairs smoothStone snow snowGolemSpawnEgg snowLayer snowball soulCampfire soulLantern soulSand soulSoil soulTorch spawnEgg spiderEye spiderSpawnEgg splashPotion sponge sporeBlossom spruceBoat spruceButton spruceChestBoat spruceDoor spruceFenceGate spruceLog sprucePressurePlate spruceSign spruceStairs spruceTrapdoor spyglass squidSpawnEgg stainedGlass stainedGlassPane stainedHardenedClay stick stickyPiston stone stoneAxe stoneBlockSlab stoneBlockSlab2 stoneBlockSlab3 stoneBlockSlab4 stoneBrickStairs stoneButton stoneHoe stonePickaxe stonePressurePlate stoneShovel stoneStairs stoneSword stonebrick stonecutterBlock straySpawnEgg striderSpawnEgg string strippedAcaciaLog strippedBirchLog strippedCrimsonHyphae strippedCrimsonStem strippedDarkOakLog strippedJungleLog strippedMangroveLog strippedMangroveWood strippedOakLog strippedSpruceLog strippedWarpedHyphae strippedWarpedStem structureBlock structureVoid sugar sugarCane suspiciousStew sweetBerries tadpoleBucket tadpoleSpawnEgg tallgrass target tintedGlass tnt tntMinecart torch totemOfUndying traderLlamaSpawnEgg trapdoor trappedChest trident tripwireHook tropicalFish tropicalFishBucket tropicalFishSpawnEgg tuff turtleEgg turtleHelmet turtleSpawnEgg twistingVines undyedShulkerBox verdantFroglight vexSpawnEgg villagerSpawnEgg vindicatorSpawnEgg vine wanderingTraderSpawnEgg wardenSpawnEgg warpedButton warpedDoor warpedFence warpedFenceGate warpedFungus warpedFungusOnAStick warpedHyphae warpedNylium warpedPlanks warpedPressurePlate warpedRoots warpedSign warpedSlab warpedStairs warpedStem warpedTrapdoor warpedWartBlock waterBucket waterlily waxedCopper waxedCutCopper waxedCutCopperSlab waxedCutCopperStairs waxedExposedCopper waxedExposedCutCopper waxedExposedCutCopperSlab waxedExposedCutCopperStairs waxedOxidizedCopper waxedOxidizedCutCopper waxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab waxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs waxedWeatheredCopper waxedWeatheredCutCopper waxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab waxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs weatheredCopper weatheredCutCopper weatheredCutCopperSlab weatheredCutCopperStairs web weepingVines wheat wheatSeeds whiteCandle whiteDye whiteGlazedTerracotta whiteWool witchSpawnEgg witherRose witherSkeletonSpawnEgg witherSpawnEgg wolfSpawnEgg wood woodenAxe woodenButton woodenDoor woodenHoe woodenPickaxe woodenPressurePlate woodenShovel woodenSlab woodenSword wool writableBook yellowCandle yellowDye yellowFlower yellowGlazedTerracotta yellowWool zoglinSpawnEgg zombieHorseSpawnEgg zombiePigmanSpawnEgg zombieSpawnEgg zombieVillagerSpawnEgg



acaciaBoat: ItemType
acaciaButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia button within Minecraft.

acaciaChestBoat: ItemType
acaciaDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia door within Minecraft.

acaciaFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia fence gate within Minecraft.

acaciaLog: ItemType
acaciaPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia pressure plate within Minecraft.

acaciaSign: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia sign within Minecraft.

acaciaStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of acacia stairs within Minecraft.

acaciaTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an acacia trapdoor within Minecraft.

activatorRail: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an activator rail within Minecraft.

allaySpawnEgg: ItemType
allow: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an allow block within Minecraft.

amethystBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an amethyst block within Minecraft.

amethystCluster: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cluster of amethyst within Minecraft.

amethystShard: ItemType
ancientDebris: ItemType

Represents an item that can place ancient debris within Minecraft.

andesiteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place andesite stairs within Minecraft.

anvil: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an anvil within Minecraft.

apple: ItemType
armorStand: ItemType
arrow: ItemType
axolotlBucket: ItemType
axolotlSpawnEgg: ItemType
azalea: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an azalea flowering plant within Minecraft.

azaleaLeaves: ItemType

Represents an item that can place azalea leaves within Minecraft.

azaleaLeavesFlowered: ItemType

Represents flowered azalea leaves within Minecraft.

bakedPotato: ItemType
bamboo: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bamboo tree within Minecraft.

banner: ItemType
bannerPattern: ItemType
barrel: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a barrel within Minecraft.

barrier: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an invisible but logical barrier within Minecraft.

basalt: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a basalt block within Minecraft.

batSpawnEgg: ItemType
beacon: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a beacon within Minecraft.

Represents an item that can place a bed within Minecraft.

bedrock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bedrock block within Minecraft.

beeNest: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bee nest within Minecraft.

beeSpawnEgg: ItemType
beef: ItemType
beehive: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a beehive within Minecraft.

beetroot: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a beetroot vegetable within Minecraft.

beetrootSeeds: ItemType
beetrootSoup: ItemType
bell: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bell within Minecraft.

bigDripleaf: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a big dripleaf plant within Minecraft.

birchBoat: ItemType
birchButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch button within Minecraft.

birchChestBoat: ItemType
birchDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch door within Minecraft.

birchFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch fence gate within Minecraft.

birchLog: ItemType
birchPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch pressure plate within Minecraft.

birchSign: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch sign within Minecraft.

birchStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch stairs block within Minecraft.

birchTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a birch trapdoor within Minecraft.

blackCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a black candle within Minecraft.

blackDye: ItemType
blackGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a black glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

blackWool: ItemType
blackstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blackstone block within Minecraft.

blackstoneSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blackstone slab within Minecraft.

blackstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents blackstone stairs within Minecraft.

blackstoneWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blackstone wall within Minecraft.

blastFurnace: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blast furnace within Minecraft.

blazePowder: ItemType
blazeRod: ItemType
blazeSpawnEgg: ItemType
blueCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blue candle within Minecraft.

blueDye: ItemType
blueGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blue glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

blueIce: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a blue ice block within Minecraft.

blueWool: ItemType
boat: ItemType
bone: ItemType
boneBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bone block within Minecraft.

boneMeal: ItemType
book: ItemType
bookshelf: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an unbreakable border block within Minecraft.

borderBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a border block within Minecraft.

bordureIndentedBannerPattern: ItemType
bowl: ItemType
bread: ItemType
brewingStand: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a brewing stand within Minecraft.

brick: ItemType
brickBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of brick within Minecraft.

brickStairs: ItemType

Represents brick stairs within Minecraft.

brownCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a brown candle within Minecraft.

brownDye: ItemType
brownGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a brown glazed terracotta block within Minecraft.

brownMushroom: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a brown mushroom within Minecraft.

brownMushroomBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of brown mushroom within Minecraft.

brownWool: ItemType
bucket: ItemType
buddingAmethyst: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of budding amethyst within Minecraft.

cactus: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cactus within Minecraft.

cake: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cake within Minecraft.

calcite: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a calcite block within Minecraft.

campfire: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a campfire within Minecraft.

candle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a candle within Minecraft.

carpet: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a carpet within Minecraft.

carrot: ItemType
carrotOnAStick: ItemType
cartographyTable: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cartography table block within Minecraft.

carvedPumpkin: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a carved pumpkin within Minecraft.

catSpawnEgg: ItemType
cauldron: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cauldron within Minecraft.

caveSpiderSpawnEgg: ItemType
chain: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a metallic chain within Minecraft.

chainCommandBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block that gives off heat but not light, within Minecraft Education Edition or Bedrock Edition with Education features.

chainmailBoots: ItemType
chainmailChestplate: ItemType
chainmailHelmet: ItemType
chainmailLeggings: ItemType
charcoal: ItemType
chest: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a chest within Minecraft.

chestBoat: ItemType
chestMinecart: ItemType
chicken: ItemType
chickenSpawnEgg: ItemType
chiseledDeepslate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of chiseled deepslate within Minecraft.

chiseledNetherBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of chiseled nether bricks within Minecraft.

chiseledPolishedBlackstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of chiseled polished blackstone within Minecraft.

chorusFlower: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a chorus flower within Minecraft.

chorusFruit: ItemType
chorusPlant: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a chorus plant within Minecraft.

clay: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of clay within Minecraft.

clayBall: ItemType
clock: ItemType
coal: ItemType
coalBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of solid coal within Minecraft.

coalOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded coal ore within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cobbled deepslate within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of deepslate within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateStairs: ItemType

Represents cobbled deepslate stairs within Minecraft.

cobbledDeepslateWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cobbled deepslate wall within Minecraft.

cobblestone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cobblestone within Minecraft.

cobblestoneWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wall of cobblestone within Minecraft.

cocoaBeans: ItemType
codBucket: ItemType
codSpawnEgg: ItemType
commandBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block that can run commands within Minecraft.

commandBlockMinecart: ItemType
comparator: ItemType
compass: ItemType
composter: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a composter block within Minecraft.

concrete: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of concrete powder within Minecraft.

concretePowder: ItemType
conduit: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a conduit block within Minecraft.

cookedBeef: ItemType
cookedChicken: ItemType
cookedCod: ItemType
cookedMutton: ItemType
cookedPorkchop: ItemType
cookedRabbit: ItemType
cookedSalmon: ItemType
cookie: ItemType
copperBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a solid block of copper within Minecraft.

copperIngot: ItemType
copperOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded copper ore within Minecraft.

coral: ItemType

Represents coral within Minecraft.

coralBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a solid block of coral within Minecraft.

coralFan: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a fan formation of coral within Minecraft.

coralFanDead: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a fan formation of dead coral within Minecraft.

cowSpawnEgg: ItemType
crackedDeepslateBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cracked deepslate bricks within Minecraft.

crackedDeepslateTiles: ItemType

Represents tiles of cracked deepslate within Minecraft.

crackedNetherBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cracked nether bricks within Minecraft.

crackedPolishedBlackstoneBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cracked and polished blackstone bricks within Minecraft.

craftingTable: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crafting table within Minecraft.

creeperBannerPattern: ItemType
creeperSpawnEgg: ItemType
crimsonButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson button within Minecraft.

crimsonDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson door within Minecraft.

crimsonFence: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson fence within Minecraft.

crimsonFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson fence gate within Minecraft.

crimsonFungus: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson fungus within Minecraft.

crimsonHyphae: ItemType

Represents crimson hyphae within Minecraft.

crimsonNylium: ItemType

Represents crimson nylium within Minecraft.

crimsonPlanks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of crimson planks within Minecraft.

crimsonPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson pressure plate within Minecraft.

crimsonRoots: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of crimson roots within Minecraft.

crimsonSign: ItemType
crimsonSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson slab within Minecraft.

crimsonStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of crimson stairs within Minecraft.

crimsonStem: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson stem within Minecraft.

crimsonTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a crimson trapdoor within Minecraft.

crossbow: ItemType
cryingObsidian: ItemType

Represents crying obsidian within Minecraft.

cutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cut copper block within Minecraft.

cutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cut copper slab within Minecraft.

cutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

cyanCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a cyan-colored candle within Minecraft.

cyanDye: ItemType
cyanGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cyan-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

cyanWool: ItemType
darkOakBoat: ItemType
darkOakButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak button within Minecraft.

darkOakChestBoat: ItemType
darkOakDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak door within Minecraft.

darkOakFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak fence gate within Minecraft.

darkOakLog: ItemType
darkOakPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak pressure plate within Minecraft.

darkOakSign: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak sign within Minecraft.

darkOakStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of dark oak stairs within Minecraft.

darkOakTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dark oak trapdoor within Minecraft.

darkPrismarineStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of dark prismarine stairs within Minecraft.

daylightDetector: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a daylight detector within Minecraft.

deadbush: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dead bush within Minecraft.

deepslate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of deepslate brick within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of deepslate brick stairs within Minecraft.

deepslateBrickWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a deepslate brick wall within Minecraft.

deepslateBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate bricks within Minecraft.

deepslateCoalOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded coal ore within Minecraft.

deepslateCopperOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded copper ore within Minecraft.

deepslateDiamondOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded diamond ore within Minecraft.

deepslateEmeraldOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded emerald ore within Minecraft.

deepslateGoldOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

deepslateIronOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded iron ore within Minecraft.

deepslateLapisOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded lapis lazuli ore within Minecraft.

deepslateRedstoneOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of deepslate with embedded redstone ore within Minecraft.

deepslateTileSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of deepslate tiles within Minecraft.

deepslateTileStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of deepslate tile stairs within Minecraft.

deepslateTileWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wall of deepslate tile within Minecraft.

deepslateTiles: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of deepslate tiles within Minecraft.

deny: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a logical but generally invisible Deny logic block within Minecraft.

detectorRail: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a detector rail within Minecraft.

diamond: ItemType
diamondAxe: ItemType
diamondBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of diamond within Minecraft.

diamondBoots: ItemType
diamondChestplate: ItemType
diamondHelmet: ItemType
diamondHoe: ItemType
diamondHorseArmor: ItemType
diamondLeggings: ItemType
diamondOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded diamond ore within Minecraft.

diamondPickaxe: ItemType
diamondShovel: ItemType
diamondSword: ItemType
dioriteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of diorite stairs within Minecraft.

dirt: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dirt within Minecraft.

dirtWithRoots: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dirt with roots within Minecraft.

discFragment5: ItemType
dispenser: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dispenser within Minecraft.

dolphinSpawnEgg: ItemType
donkeySpawnEgg: ItemType
doublePlant: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a double plant within Minecraft.

dragonBreath: ItemType
dragonEgg: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dragon egg within Minecraft.

driedKelp: ItemType
driedKelpBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dried kelp within Minecraft.

dripstoneBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dripstone within Minecraft.

dropper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a dropper within Minecraft.

drownedSpawnEgg: ItemType
echoShard: ItemType
elderGuardianSpawnEgg: ItemType
elytra: ItemType
emerald: ItemType
emeraldBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of emerald within Minecraft.

emeraldOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded emerald ore within Minecraft.

emptyMap: ItemType
enchantedBook: ItemType
enchantedGoldenApple: ItemType
enchantingTable: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an enchanting table within Minecraft.

endBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of end brick stairs within Minecraft.

endBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an end bricks block within Minecraft.

endCrystal: ItemType
endPortalFrame: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an end portal frame within Minecraft.

endRod: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an end rod within Minecraft.

endStone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an end stone block within Minecraft.

enderChest: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an ender chest within Minecraft.

enderDragonSpawnEgg: ItemType
enderEye: ItemType
enderPearl: ItemType
endermanSpawnEgg: ItemType
endermiteSpawnEgg: ItemType
evokerSpawnEgg: ItemType
experienceBottle: ItemType
exposedCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of exposed copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

exposedCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of exposed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

farmland: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a farmland block within Minecraft.

feather: ItemType
fence: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a fence within Minecraft.

fenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a fence gate within Minecraft.

fermentedSpiderEye: ItemType
fieldMasonedBannerPattern: ItemType
filledMap: ItemType
fireCharge: ItemType
fireworkRocket: ItemType
fireworkStar: ItemType
fishingRod: ItemType
fletchingTable: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a fletching table within Minecraft.

flint: ItemType
flintAndSteel: ItemType
flowerBannerPattern: ItemType
flowerPot: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a flower pot within Minecraft.

floweringAzalea: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a flowering azalea plant within Minecraft.

foxSpawnEgg: ItemType
frame: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a frame within Minecraft.

frogSpawn: ItemType
frogSpawnEgg: ItemType
frostedIce: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a frosted ice block within Minecraft.

furnace: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a furnace within Minecraft.

ghastSpawnEgg: ItemType
ghastTear: ItemType
gildedBlackstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of gilded blackstone within Minecraft.

glass: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a glass block within Minecraft.

glassBottle: ItemType
glassPane: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a pane of glass within Minecraft.

glisteringMelonSlice: ItemType
globeBannerPattern: ItemType
glowBerries: ItemType
glowFrame: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a glowing frame within Minecraft.

glowInkSac: ItemType
glowLichen: ItemType

Represents glow lichen within Minecraft.

glowSquidSpawnEgg: ItemType
glowstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of glowstone within Minecraft.

glowstoneDust: ItemType
goatHorn: ItemType
goatSpawnEgg: ItemType
goldBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a gold block within Minecraft.

goldIngot: ItemType
goldNugget: ItemType
goldOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

goldenApple: ItemType
goldenAxe: ItemType
goldenBoots: ItemType
goldenCarrot: ItemType
goldenChestplate: ItemType
goldenHelmet: ItemType
goldenHoe: ItemType
goldenHorseArmor: ItemType
goldenLeggings: ItemType
goldenPickaxe: ItemType
goldenRail: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a golden rail element within Minecraft.

goldenShovel: ItemType
goldenSword: ItemType
graniteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of granite stairs within Minecraft.

grass: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dirt and grass within Minecraft.

grassPath: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of dirt and grass with a path within Minecraft.

gravel: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of gravel within Minecraft.

grayCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a gray-colored candle within Minecraft.

grayDye: ItemType
grayGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a gray-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

grayWool: ItemType
greenCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a green-colored candle within Minecraft.

greenDye: ItemType
greenGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a green block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

greenWool: ItemType
grindstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a grindstone within Minecraft.

guardianSpawnEgg: ItemType
gunpowder: ItemType
hangingRoots: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of hanging roots within Minecraft.

hardenedClay: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of hardened clay within Minecraft.

hayBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of hay within Minecraft.

heartOfTheSea: ItemType
heavyWeightedPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a heavy weighted pressure plate within Minecraft.

hoglinSpawnEgg: ItemType
honeyBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of honey within Minecraft.

honeyBottle: ItemType
honeycomb: ItemType
honeycombBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a honeycomb block within Minecraft.

hopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a hopper within Minecraft.

hopperMinecart: ItemType
horseSpawnEgg: ItemType
huskSpawnEgg: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of ice within Minecraft.

infestedDeepslate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an infested block of deepslate within Minecraft.

inkSac: ItemType
ironAxe: ItemType
ironBars: ItemType

Represents iron bars within Minecraft.

ironBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of iron within Minecraft.

ironBoots: ItemType
ironChestplate: ItemType
ironDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an iron door within Minecraft.

ironGolemSpawnEgg: ItemType
ironHelmet: ItemType
ironHoe: ItemType
ironHorseArmor: ItemType
ironIngot: ItemType
ironLeggings: ItemType
ironNugget: ItemType
ironOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded iron ore within Minecraft.

ironPickaxe: ItemType
ironShovel: ItemType
ironSword: ItemType
ironTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an iron trapdoor within Minecraft.

jigsaw: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jigsaw within Minecraft.

jukebox: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jukebox within Minecraft.

jungleBoat: ItemType
jungleButton: ItemType

Represents jungle wood button within Minecraft.

jungleChestBoat: ItemType
jungleDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jungle wood door within Minecraft.

jungleFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jungle wood fence gate within Minecraft.

jungleLog: ItemType
junglePressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jungle wood pressure plate within Minecraft.

jungleSign: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jungle sign within Minecraft.

jungleStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of jungle wood stairs within Minecraft.

jungleTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a jungle wood trapdoor within Minecraft.

kelp: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of kelp within Minecraft.

ladder: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a ladder within Minecraft.

lantern: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lantern within Minecraft.

lapisBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of lapis lazuli within Minecraft.

lapisLazuli: ItemType
lapisOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded lapis lazuli within Minecraft.

largeAmethystBud: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a bud of large amethyst within Minecraft.

lavaBucket: ItemType
lead: ItemType
leather: ItemType
leatherBoots: ItemType
leatherChestplate: ItemType
leatherHelmet: ItemType
leatherHorseArmor: ItemType
leatherLeggings: ItemType
leaves: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of leaves within Minecraft.

leaves2: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an updated set of leaves within Minecraft.

lectern: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lectern within Minecraft.

lever: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lever within Minecraft.

lightBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of light within Minecraft.

lightBlueCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a light blue candle within Minecraft.

lightBlueDye: ItemType
lightBlueGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a light blue block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

lightBlueWool: ItemType
lightGrayCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a light gray candle within Minecraft.

lightGrayDye: ItemType
lightGrayWool: ItemType
lightWeightedPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a light weighted pressure plate within Minecraft.

lightningRod: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lightning rod within Minecraft.

limeCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lime candle within Minecraft.

limeDye: ItemType
limeGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lime-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

limeWool: ItemType
lingeringPotion: ItemType
litPumpkin: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lit pumpkin within Minecraft.

llamaSpawnEgg: ItemType
lodestone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a lodestone within Minecraft.

lodestoneCompass: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a log within Minecraft.

log2: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a more updated, customizable log within Minecraft.

loom: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a loom within Minecraft.

magentaCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a magenta candle within Minecraft.

magentaDye: ItemType
magentaGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of magenta-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

magentaWool: ItemType
magma: ItemType

Represents magma within Minecraft.

magmaCream: ItemType
magmaCubeSpawnEgg: ItemType
mangroveBoat: ItemType
mangroveButton: ItemType
mangroveChestBoat: ItemType
mangroveDoor: ItemType
mangroveFence: ItemType
mangroveFenceGate: ItemType
mangroveLeaves: ItemType
mangroveLog: ItemType
mangrovePlanks: ItemType
mangrovePressurePlate: ItemType
mangrovePropagule: ItemType
mangroveRoots: ItemType
mangroveSign: ItemType
mangroveSlab: ItemType
mangroveStairs: ItemType
mangroveTrapdoor: ItemType
mangroveWood: ItemType
mediumAmethystBud: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a medium-sized bud of amethyst within Minecraft.

melonBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of melon within Minecraft.

melonSeeds: ItemType
melonSlice: ItemType
milkBucket: ItemType
minecart: ItemType
mobSpawner: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a mob spawner within Minecraft.

mojangBannerPattern: ItemType
monsterEgg: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a monster egg within Minecraft.

mooshroomSpawnEgg: ItemType
mossBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of moss within Minecraft.

mossCarpet: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a carpet of moss within Minecraft.

mossyCobblestone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of cobblestone with moss within Minecraft.

mossyCobblestoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of mossy cobblestone stairs within Minecraft.

mossyStoneBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of mossy stone brick stairs within Minecraft.

mudBrickSlab: ItemType
mudBrickStairs: ItemType
mudBrickWall: ItemType
mudBricks: ItemType
muddyMangroveRoots: ItemType
muleSpawnEgg: ItemType
mushroomStew: ItemType
musicDisc11: ItemType
musicDisc13: ItemType
musicDisc5: ItemType
musicDiscBlocks: ItemType
musicDiscCat: ItemType
musicDiscChirp: ItemType
musicDiscFar: ItemType
musicDiscMall: ItemType
musicDiscMellohi: ItemType
musicDiscOtherside: ItemType
musicDiscPigstep: ItemType
musicDiscStal: ItemType
musicDiscStrad: ItemType
musicDiscWait: ItemType
musicDiscWard: ItemType
mutton: ItemType
mycelium: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a mycelium plant within Minecraft.

nameTag: ItemType
nautilusShell: ItemType
netherBrick: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a nether brick block within Minecraft.

netherBrickFence: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a nether brick fence within Minecraft.

netherBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of nether brick stairs within Minecraft.

netherGoldOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of nether with embedded gold ore within Minecraft.

netherSprouts: ItemType

Represents nether sprouts within Minecraft.

netherStar: ItemType
netherWart: ItemType

Represents nether wart within Minecraft.

netherWartBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of nether wart within Minecraft.

netherbrick: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a nether brick block within Minecraft.

netheriteAxe: ItemType
netheriteBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of netherite within Minecraft.

netheriteBoots: ItemType
netheriteChestplate: ItemType
netheriteHelmet: ItemType
netheriteHoe: ItemType
netheriteIngot: ItemType
netheriteLeggings: ItemType
netheritePickaxe: ItemType
netheriteScrap: ItemType
netheriteShovel: ItemType
netheriteSword: ItemType
netherrack: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of netherrack within Minecraft.

normalStoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a standard set of stone stairs within Minecraft.

noteblock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a note block within Minecraft.

oakBoat: ItemType
oakChestBoat: ItemType
oakLog: ItemType
oakSign: ItemType
oakStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of oak stairs within Minecraft.

observer: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an observer within Minecraft.

obsidian: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an obsidian block within Minecraft.

ocelotSpawnEgg: ItemType
ochreFroglight: ItemType
orangeCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an orange candle within Minecraft.

orangeDye: ItemType
orangeGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of orange-colored glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

orangeWool: ItemType
oxidizedCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of oxidized copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

oxidizedCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of oxidized cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

packedIce: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of packed ice within Minecraft.

packedMud: ItemType
painting: ItemType
pandaSpawnEgg: ItemType
paper: ItemType
parrotSpawnEgg: ItemType
pearlescentFroglight: ItemType
phantomMembrane: ItemType
phantomSpawnEgg: ItemType
pigSpawnEgg: ItemType
piglinBannerPattern: ItemType
piglinBruteSpawnEgg: ItemType
piglinSpawnEgg: ItemType
pillagerSpawnEgg: ItemType
pinkCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a pink candle within Minecraft.

pinkDye: ItemType
pinkGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a pink-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

pinkWool: ItemType
piston: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a piston within Minecraft.

planks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of planks within Minecraft.

podzol: ItemType

Represents podzol within Minecraft.

pointedDripstone: ItemType

Represents pointed dripstone within Minecraft.

poisonousPotato: ItemType
polarBearSpawnEgg: ItemType
polishedAndesiteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of polished andesite stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBasalt: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of polished basalt within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of polished blackstone brick stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBrickWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a polished blackstone brick wall within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of polished blackstone bricks within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a polished blackstone button within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstonePressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a polished blackstone pressure plate within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of polished blackstone within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of polished blackstone stairs within Minecraft.

polishedBlackstoneWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a polished blackstone wall within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of polished deepslate stairs within Minecraft.

polishedDeepslateWall: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wall of polished deepslate within Minecraft.

polishedDioriteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of polished diorite within Minecraft.

polishedGraniteStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of polished granite stairs within Minecraft.

poppedChorusFruit: ItemType
porkchop: ItemType
potato: ItemType
potion: ItemType
powderSnowBucket: ItemType
prismarine: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of prismarine within Minecraft.

prismarineBricksStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of prismarine brick stairs within Minecraft.

prismarineCrystals: ItemType
prismarineShard: ItemType
prismarineStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of prismarine stairs within Minecraft.

pufferfish: ItemType
pufferfishBucket: ItemType
pufferfishSpawnEgg: ItemType
pumpkin: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a pumpkin within Minecraft.

pumpkinPie: ItemType
pumpkinSeeds: ItemType
purpleCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a purple candle within Minecraft.

purpleDye: ItemType
purpleGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a purple-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

purpleWool: ItemType
purpurBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a purpur block within Minecraft.

purpurStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of purpur stairs within Minecraft.

quartz: ItemType
quartzBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of solid quartz within Minecraft.

quartzBricks: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of solid quartz bricks within Minecraft.

quartzOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded quartz ore within Minecraft.

quartzStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of quartz stairs within Minecraft.

rabbit: ItemType
rabbitFoot: ItemType
rabbitHide: ItemType
rabbitSpawnEgg: ItemType
rabbitStew: ItemType
rail: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of rails within Minecraft.

ravagerSpawnEgg: ItemType
rawCopper: ItemType
rawCopperBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of raw copper within Minecraft.

rawGold: ItemType
rawGoldBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of raw gold within Minecraft.

rawIron: ItemType
rawIronBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of raw iron within Minecraft.

recoveryCompass: ItemType
redCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a red candle within Minecraft.

redDye: ItemType
redFlower: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a red flower within Minecraft.

redGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a red-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

redMushroom: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a red mushroom within Minecraft.

redMushroomBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of red mushroom within Minecraft.

redNetherBrick: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of red nether brick within Minecraft.

redNetherBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of red nether brick stairs within Minecraft.

redSandstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of red sandstone within Minecraft.

redSandstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of red sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

redWool: ItemType
redstone: ItemType
redstoneBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of redstone within Minecraft.

redstoneLamp: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a redstone lamp within Minecraft.

redstoneOre: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block with embedded redstone ore within Minecraft.

redstoneTorch: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a redstone torch within Minecraft.

reinforcedDeepslate: ItemType
repeater: ItemType
repeatingCommandBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a repeating command block within Minecraft.

respawnAnchor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a respawn anchor within Minecraft.

rottenFlesh: ItemType
saddle: ItemType
salmon: ItemType
salmonBucket: ItemType
salmonSpawnEgg: ItemType
sand: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of sand within Minecraft.

sandstone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of sandstone within Minecraft.

sandstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

sapling: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a sapling within Minecraft.

scaffolding: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of scaffolding within Minecraft.

sculk: ItemType
sculkCatalyst: ItemType
sculkSensor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a sculk sensor within Minecraft.

sculkShrieker: ItemType
sculkVein: ItemType
scute: ItemType
seaLantern: ItemType
seaPickle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a seapickle within Minecraft.

seagrass: ItemType

Represents seagrass within Minecraft.

shears: ItemType
sheepSpawnEgg: ItemType
shield: ItemType
shroomlight: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a shroom light within Minecraft.

shulkerBox: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a shulker box within Minecraft.

shulkerShell: ItemType
shulkerSpawnEgg: ItemType
silverGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a silver-colored block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

silverfishSpawnEgg: ItemType
skeletonHorseSpawnEgg: ItemType
skeletonSpawnEgg: ItemType
skull: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a skull within Minecraft.

skullBannerPattern: ItemType
slime: ItemType

Represents slime within Minecraft.

slimeBall: ItemType
slimeSpawnEgg: ItemType
smallAmethystBud: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a small bud of amethyst within Minecraft.

smallDripleafBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a small dripleaf block within Minecraft.

smithingTable: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a smithing table within Minecraft.

smoker: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a smoker within Minecraft.

smoothBasalt: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of smooth basalt within Minecraft.

smoothQuartzStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of smooth quartz stairs within Minecraft.

smoothRedSandstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of smooth red sandstone stairs within Minecraft.

smoothSandstoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of smooth redstone stairs within Minecraft.

smoothStone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a smooth stone block within Minecraft.

snow: ItemType

Represents snow within Minecraft.

snowGolemSpawnEgg: ItemType
snowLayer: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a layer of snow within Minecraft.

snowball: ItemType
soulCampfire: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a soul campfire within Minecraft.

soulLantern: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a soul lantern within Minecraft.

soulSand: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of soul sand within Minecraft.

soulSoil: ItemType

Represents soul soil within Minecraft.

soulTorch: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a soul torch within Minecraft.

spawnEgg: ItemType
spiderEye: ItemType
spiderSpawnEgg: ItemType
splashPotion: ItemType
sponge: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a sponge within Minecraft.

sporeBlossom: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spore blossom within Minecraft.

spruceBoat: ItemType
spruceButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce wood button within Minecraft.

spruceChestBoat: ItemType
spruceDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce wood door within Minecraft.

spruceFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce wood fence gate within Minecraft.

spruceLog: ItemType
sprucePressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce wood pressure plate within Minecraft.

spruceSign: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce sign within Minecraft.

spruceStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of spruce wood stairs within Minecraft.

spruceTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a spruce wood trapdoor within Minecraft.

spyglass: ItemType
squidSpawnEgg: ItemType
stainedGlass: ItemType

Represents stained glass within Minecraft.

stainedGlassPane: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a pane of stained glass within Minecraft.

stainedHardenedClay: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of stained hardened clay within Minecraft.

stick: ItemType
stickyPiston: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a piston block with a sticky arm within Minecraft.

stone: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of stone within Minecraft.

stoneAxe: ItemType
stoneBlockSlab: ItemType
stoneBlockSlab2: ItemType
stoneBlockSlab3: ItemType
stoneBlockSlab4: ItemType
stoneBrickStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of stone brick stairs within Minecraft.

stoneButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stone button within Minecraft.

stoneHoe: ItemType
stonePickaxe: ItemType
stonePressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stone pressure plate within Minecraft.

stoneShovel: ItemType
stoneStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of stone stairs within Minecraft.

stoneSword: ItemType
stonebrick: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of stone brick within Minecraft.

stonecutterBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stonecutter block within Minecraft.

straySpawnEgg: ItemType
striderSpawnEgg: ItemType
string: ItemType
strippedAcaciaLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped acacia log within Minecraft.

strippedBirchLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped birch log within Minecraft.

strippedCrimsonHyphae: ItemType

Represents stripped crimson hyphae within Minecraft.

strippedCrimsonStem: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped crimson stem within Minecraft.

strippedDarkOakLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped dark oak log within Minecraft.

strippedJungleLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped jungle log within Minecraft.

strippedMangroveLog: ItemType
strippedMangroveWood: ItemType
strippedOakLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped oak log within Minecraft.

strippedSpruceLog: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a stripped spruce log within Minecraft.

strippedWarpedHyphae: ItemType

Represents stripped warped hyphae within Minecraft.

strippedWarpedStem: ItemType

Represents stripped warped stem within Minecraft.

structureBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a structure block, which provides for the saving and loading of block structures, within Minecraft.

structureVoid: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a structure void within Minecraft.

sugar: ItemType
sugarCane: ItemType
suspiciousStew: ItemType
sweetBerries: ItemType
tadpoleBucket: ItemType
tadpoleSpawnEgg: ItemType
tallgrass: ItemType

Represents tall grass within Minecraft.

target: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a target within Minecraft.

tintedGlass: ItemType

Represents tinted glass within Minecraft.

Represents an item that can place a block of TnT within Minecraft.

tntMinecart: ItemType
torch: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a torch within Minecraft.

totemOfUndying: ItemType
traderLlamaSpawnEgg: ItemType
trapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a trapdoor within Minecraft.

trappedChest: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a trapped chest within Minecraft.

trident: ItemType
tripwireHook: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a tripwire hook within Minecraft.

tropicalFish: ItemType
tropicalFishBucket: ItemType
tropicalFishSpawnEgg: ItemType
tuff: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of tuff within Minecraft.

turtleEgg: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a turtle egg within Minecraft.

turtleHelmet: ItemType
turtleSpawnEgg: ItemType
twistingVines: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of twisting vines within Minecraft.

undyedShulkerBox: ItemType

Represents an item that can place an undyed shulker box within Minecraft.

verdantFroglight: ItemType
vexSpawnEgg: ItemType
villagerSpawnEgg: ItemType
vindicatorSpawnEgg: ItemType
vine: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of vines within Minecraft.

wanderingTraderSpawnEgg: ItemType
wardenSpawnEgg: ItemType
warpedButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped button within Minecraft.

warpedDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped door within Minecraft.

warpedFence: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped fence within Minecraft.

warpedFenceGate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped fence gate within Minecraft.

warpedFungus: ItemType

Represents warped fungus within Minecraft.

warpedFungusOnAStick: ItemType
warpedHyphae: ItemType

Represents warped hyphae within Minecraft.

warpedNylium: ItemType

Represents warped nylium within Minecraft.

warpedPlanks: ItemType

Represents warped planks within Minecraft.

warpedPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped pressure plate within Minecraft.

warpedRoots: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of warped roots within Minecraft.

warpedSign: ItemType
warpedSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of warped material within Minecraft.

warpedStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of warped stairs within Minecraft.

warpedStem: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped stem within Minecraft.

warpedTrapdoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped trapdoor within Minecraft.

warpedWartBlock: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a warped wart block within Minecraft.

waterBucket: ItemType
waterlily: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a water lily within Minecraft.

waxedCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of waxed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of waxed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed exposed copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of waxed exposed cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedExposedCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of waxed exposed cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed oxidized copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of waxed oxidized cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedOxidizedCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of waxed oxidized cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed weathered copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of waxed weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of waxed weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

waxedWeatheredCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of waxed weathered cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

weatheredCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of weathered copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopper: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopperSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a slab of weathered cut copper within Minecraft.

weatheredCutCopperStairs: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of weathered cut copper stairs within Minecraft.

Represents an item that can place a web within Minecraft.

weepingVines: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a set of weeping vines within Minecraft.

wheat: ItemType

Represents wheat within Minecraft.

wheatSeeds: ItemType
whiteCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a white candle within Minecraft.

whiteDye: ItemType
whiteGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of white glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

whiteWool: ItemType
witchSpawnEgg: ItemType
witherRose: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wither rose within Minecraft.

witherSkeletonSpawnEgg: ItemType
witherSpawnEgg: ItemType
wolfSpawnEgg: ItemType
wood: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a block of wood within Minecraft.

woodenAxe: ItemType
woodenButton: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wooden button within Minecraft.

woodenDoor: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wooden door within Minecraft.

woodenHoe: ItemType
woodenPickaxe: ItemType
woodenPressurePlate: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wooden pressure plate within Minecraft.

woodenShovel: ItemType
woodenSlab: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a wooden slab within Minecraft.

woodenSword: ItemType
wool: ItemType

Represents wool within Minecraft.

writableBook: ItemType
yellowCandle: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a yellow candle within Minecraft.

yellowDye: ItemType
yellowFlower: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a yellow flower within Minecraft.

yellowGlazedTerracotta: ItemType

Represents an item that can place a yellow block of glazed terracotta within Minecraft.

yellowWool: ItemType
zoglinSpawnEgg: ItemType
zombieHorseSpawnEgg: ItemType
zombiePigmanSpawnEgg: ItemType
zombieSpawnEgg: ItemType
zombieVillagerSpawnEgg: ItemType